Guinea Pig Essentials: The Complete List
16 Reasons Why Guinea Pigs Make Great Pets
How Do I Know If My Guinea Pig Is Happy?
Have you ever been bit by a bearded dragon? If not, do bearded dragon have teeth? What does it feel like when the mouth of a beardie snaps at your finger? I would like to mention a time when I got...
I could smell the stench. Mouth rot in bearded dragon could be noticed with the power of your nose. What to do about it may be the most important future steps to solving this issue before it gets...
Why Your Bearded Dragon Turned Black and Died {What I Had To Do}
I want to share my story of losing my first bearded dragon to an illness. I'll explain what happened after going through possible reasons why your bearded dragon turned black and died. Sadly, the...
I try to steer clear of worms because they make me squirm. My bearded dragon doesn't seem to mind, but many times, these worms don't end up getting eaten and I have to pick them out of the...
How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Food & Water? {What To Do}
Has your bearded dragon refused their usual favorite foods? What's going on and how long can bearded dragons go without food & water? Is this a sign of brumation, dehydration or stress? I...
Bearded dragon tail rot is disturbing, painful and stressful for everyone involved. Your reptile needs help. Allow me to do the best I can to guide you with some tips in this article about tail...