Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Worms? {List of Safe Worms}

I try to steer clear of worms because they make me squirm. My bearded dragon doesn’t seem to mind, but many times, these worms don’t end up getting eaten and I have to pick them out of the enclosure.

Can bearded dragon eat red worms? Should I remove these worms from the variety of squiggly crawlers on the menu?

In this article, you will find out if beardies like and eat red worms and I’ll mention a few others as well.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Worms?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat red worms as part of their diet. Red worms are a good source of protein and can be offered as a treat or supplement to a bearded dragon’s regular diet.

They should not be the main source of food, as they are not nutritionally complete on their own. Red worms should be gut loaded and dusted with calcium powder before feeding to provide additional nutrition.

It is important to only feed appropriately-sized red worms to avoid choking or digestive issues.

Are Redworms Good for Bearded Dragons?

They’re ok. When eaten in moderation, redworms may be a wholesome addition to a bearded dragon’s diet since they are a rich source of protein.

  • Redworms are a great source of protein and are simple for bearded dragons to consume.
  • They may add diversity to the dragon’s diet and make a decent substitute for crickets or mealworms.
  • Redworms are heavy in fat and should only be served in moderation as an excess of either can result in obesity.
    Redworms should only be acquired from reliable sources.

Feeding wild-caught worms is not advised since they could be infected with parasites or other hazardous organisms.

Are Bloodworms Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Yes. Although bloodworms are healthy for bearded dragons to consume, because they are heavy in fat and lacking in nutrition, they should only be given in moderation.

For bearded dragons, bloodworms are a rich source of protein. They shouldn’t, however, make up the whole protein content of a bearded dragon’s diet.

Bloodworms should only be consumed in moderation as they are poor in nutrients and rich in fat.
To prevent any choking risks, make sure the bloodworms are the right size for your bearded dragon.

Provide a range of insects and vegetables to create a healthy diet for bearded dragons because diversity is important when it comes to feeding them.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Any Type of Worms?

Although bearded dragons may consume a variety of worms, not all of them are beneficial to them or safe to consume. Some healthy and safe worms for bearded dragons are:

  • Dubia roaches are a low-fat, high-protein, and simple-to-digest food.
  • Silkworms are low in fat, high in protein, and contain calcium.
  • Superworms should only be served in moderation since they are high in protein but also high in fat.
  • Phoenix worms are low in fat and high in calcium.
  • Hornworms are low in fat and have a high water content.

Certain worm species ought to be avoided since they can harm bearded dragons’ health. These consist of nightcrawlers, and earthworms.

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Why Won’t My Bearded Dragon Eat Worms?

Your bearded dragon may not be eating worms for a number of reasons, including:

1. Dietary preferences

Bearded dragons could have unique feeding tastes and preferences, and they might not enjoy the flavor or feel of worms.

2. Health problems

Your bearded dragon’s appetite may be being affected by an underlying health problem.

3. Stress

A bearded dragon’s appetite may be impacted by changes in their habit or surroundings, such as relocating to a new cage or receiving frequent handling.

4. Inappropriate feeding technique

The manner the worms are presented to the bearded dragon may not be appropriate. The dragon might not be able to consume the worms, for instance, if they are too large or too little.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Wigglers?

Sparingly. Red wigglers, commonly referred to as red composting worms, can be consumed by bearded dragons. For bearded dragons, red wigglers are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals that are very simple to digest.

Before giving the red wigglers to your bearded dragon, like with any live prey, make sure they have been gut-loaded to make sure they are getting the right nutrients.

For a bearded dragon to eat healthily and in balance, they need a diversified diet of insects, vegetables, and fruits.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?

Yes, since earthworms are a source of protein and other nutrients, bearded dragons can consume them in moderation. To reduce the chance of parasites or other hazardous elements, make sure the earthworms are not wild-caught but rather acquired from a reliable source.

Make sure the earthworms you give your bearded dragon are the right size for its age and size. To avoid choking or other stomach problems, earthworms should not extend past the dragon’s eyes.

Before giving earthworms to your dragon, it is also advised to gut-load them, which refers to feeding them nutrient-dense meals like vegetables or specialized “gut-loading” items to increase their nutritional worth.

It’s better to gradually add earthworms to your bearded dragon’s diet and see how they respond, as you would with any new meal.


Considering that red worms are rich in protein, fat, and other necessary elements, they may be a nourishing supplement to a bearded dragon’s diet.

However, they shouldn’t be your pet’s main source of nutrition because their best health depends on a balanced diet that also contains a range of fruits, vegetables, and insects.

Before giving the worms to your bearded dragon, make sure they have been gut-loaded and are sprinkled with calcium and other vitamins. There are a number of potential causes for your bearded dragon’s lack of worm consumption, including stress, sickness, or personal choice.


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My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.