I want to share my story of losing my first bearded dragon to an illness. I’ll explain what happened after going through possible reasons why your bearded dragon turned black and died.
Sadly, the experience of caring for reptiles comes with the inevitability that we will lose them one day.
If you bearded dragon is unwell or has passed on, this article may help you figure out what happened and what you may wish to do next.
Why Your Bearded Dragon Turned Black and Died
Several factors may have contributed to a bearded dragon’s death or blackening:
- Internal parasites: such as coccidia and pinworms, can result in malnutrition, dehydration, and other health problems that can be fatal.
- Impaction: Bearded dragons may experience blockages and other issues if they consume substrate or things that they are unable to move through their digestive tract.
- Metabolic Bone Disease: A deficiency in adequate calcium and vitamin D3 intake can result in metabolic bone disease, which can damage organs and cause skeletal abnormalities and fractures.
- Respiratory infections: If left untreated, respiratory infections, a major health problem in bearded dragons, can cause pneumonia and even death.
Why Did My Bearded Dragon Randomly Die?
Your bearded dragon may have passed away abruptly for a variety of reasons. Several potential causes include:
- Impaction
- Infection or disease
- Dehydration or overheating
Your bearded dragon may have developed impaction if it ate something it couldn’t digest or if it encountered a blockage.
Respiratory infections are a common infection or disease in bearded dragons. Internal or external parasites can impair a bearded dragon’s immune function.
In order to be healthy, bearded dragons must maintain acceptable body temperatures. They risk significant health issues and even death if they overheat or become dehydrated.
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Black and Lethargic?
If your bearded dragon is dark and listless, it typically implies stress, disease, or injury. Lethargy may also be a sign of a medical condition, such as:
- illness
- dehydration
- digestive issues
To identify the underlying cause of your bearded dragon’s symptoms, the vet will probably do a physical examination and could advise blood tests, X-rays, or other diagnostic procedures.
Make sure your bearded dragon has access to clean water and a warm, cozy home in the interim. The more you handle or bother your bearded dragon, the more stressed it will get.
Maintaining a healthy diet, environment, and personal cleanliness can assist people avoid developing health issues in the first place.
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating or Moving?
A bearded dragon may not be feeding or moving for a number of reasons:
- Disease or sickness may be present if your bearded dragon isn’t eating or moving about. Bearded dragons frequently suffer from respiratory infections, parasites, and metabolic bone disease.
- Brumation during the winter is like a state of hibernation. They might not eat or move much at this period.
- Stress when there are environmental changes can cause bearded dragons to not move or eat in examples such as when you get a new pet, a new house or offer different food.

What to Do With a Bearded Dragon When It Dies?
It can be tough to lose a pet and not knowing how to treat their remains with respect and care. What you can do with your deceased bearded dragon is as follows:
1. Interment
A lot of individuals decide to bury their pet in their yard or another sentimental place. Check your local laws and ordinances to see if there are any restrictions on the burial of pets.
2. Cremation
Some pet owners choose cremation services, either via a pet cremation business or their veterinarian.
3. Memorialization
You may make a tribute or post a photo of your bearded dragon as a monument for them.
4. Donation
If you are comfortable with the notion, you can think about giving your bearded dragon’s body to a research facility or veterinary school.
Choosing what to do with your bearded dragon’s remains is ultimately a personal choice, so it’s critical to make the decision based on what feels right for you and your family.
What Does a Bearded Dragon Look Like When Its Sick?
Several physical signs of illness in a bearded dragon include:
- disinclined to move about or explore its surroundings.
- may not be as hungry or thirsty.
- could shed pounds fast.
- constipation or diarrhea may point to a medical condition.
- may have pale, black, or discolored skin or scales.
- swollen or closed eyes may be a sign of an eye infection.
- symptoms of respiratory distress include wheezing, coughing, or breathing through the mouth.
Early intervention can increase the likelihood of a full recovery.
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Black and Shaking?
It may be an indication of discomfort or disease if your bearded dragon is dark and trembling. Look out for these 4 potential culprits:
- Bearded dragons that are under stress may turn black and shake in response to fright or discomfort.
- Avoid overhandling your pet and make sure the terrarium has the suitable size and temperature gradient.
- A constipated bearded dragon may become sluggish, become dark, or tremor. As well as making sure they have access to clean water and a healthy food, you should also give them a warm bath to aid with impaction.
- Some medical diseases, like as respiratory infections or metabolic bone disease, can make bearded dragons flimsy, dark, and tremble. Go to the vet right away if you think your bearded dragon is ill.
In any event, it’s essential to pay close attention to your bearded dragon’s behavior and, if required, seek expert assistance.
How Do I Know if My Bearded Dragon Has Parasites?
The following are a few indications that your bearded dragon may be parasitized:
- vomiting or loose stools
- having no appetite or losing weight
- weakness or sluggishness
- enlarged or protruding belly
- unusual actions, including pressing its face against things or becoming drowsy
Take your bearded dragon to a reptile doctor as soon as you can if you think they may have parasites.
The veterinarian will be able to do a fecal examination to identify any parasites and suggest a course of treatment if any are found.
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Turning Grey?
Bearded dragons frequently turn a drab gray tint just before shedding their skin. They may become grey under stress, which can be brought on by alterations in their:
- habitat
- handling
- immune system
As their metabolic processes slow down, bearded dragons may grow grey or seem pale during brumation. A grey or pale complexion may also be an indication of an underlying medical condition, such as:
- parasites
- a lung infection
- metabolic bone disease
Why Is My Baby Bearded Dragon Getting Darker?
A newborn bearded dragon may seem to be turning darker for a number of reasons. Here are a few such justifications:
1. Shedding
Bearded dragons shed their skin, which can cause their color to change when the old skin separates from the fresh skin beneath.
2. Stress
Changes in their habitat or handling can cause baby bearded dragons to become anxious. They may become darker in hue as a result of stress.
3. Heat
Bearded dragons may deepen their color to absorb more heat as the temperature rises. They could seem darker in an effort to absorb more heat if the temperature within their container is too low.
4. Disease
Skin darkening may also be a sign of some diseases or infections. It’s crucial to take your young bearded dragon to the vet for a diagnosis and treatment if they exhibit additional symptoms of disease.
To rule out any potential health concerns, it is important to visit a veterinarian if you don’t know why your newborn bearded dragon is turning darker.
Conclusion – My Story
I had been accustomed to my bearded dragon’s animated and inquisitive nature as its owner. But one day, there was a noticeable difference. My bearded dragon was no longer as active or hungry as normal.
It barely left its basking position as it started to become less and less active. I observed its skin changing to a darker color and getting drier as the days passed.
After speaking with a veterinarian, I discovered that these were warning indications of a dangerous condition. The doctor performed tests and found that my bearded dragon had a terrible parasite illness that had gone over its entire body.
My bearded dragon’s health continued to deteriorate quickly despite the vet’s best attempts to preserve it. It was immediately obvious that it was time to part ways.
It was a terrible experience, but I discovered that observing any changes in my pet’s behavior and looks closely was essential for spotting health problems at an early stage.
Pet owners may take prompt action and perhaps save the lives of their cherished animals by being aware of the warning signals of probable health issues.
Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.