Do Bearded Dragons Have Teeth? {Will a Bite Hurt?}

Have you ever been bit by a bearded dragon? If not, do bearded dragon have teeth? What does it feel like when the mouth of a beardie snaps at your finger?

I would like to mention a time when I got bit by my bearded dragon early on. I learned a lot from the experience and wanted to take this time to share much more important information on oral care for bearded dragons.

This article is about bearded dragon teeth and what you should look out for or expect from their possible bite.

Do Bearded Dragons Have Teeth?

Yes, there are teeth on bearded dragons, but they are not like human teeth. Their teeth are actually small barbs or ridges called dental pads that are situated at the rear of their mouths.

They crush their food, which is primarily made up of insects and plants, using their teeth to grasp it. In addition, bearded dragons contain tooth grooves, which are sharp, needle-like teeth found in their jaws and utilized to grasp and pierce prey

These teeth are not poisonous, though, and they do not provide a hazard to people or bigger animals. Bearded dragons do not chew their food like people do, hence they do not need teeth like ours. They instead consume their meal whole or in lesser portions.

Does It Hurt When a Bearded Dragon Bites You?

Bearded dragons may grab and bite their prey with the help of their short, pointed teeth. Although they rarely hurt when they bite, they occasionally do, especially if the bite tears the skin.

The majority of the time, bearded dragons are placid creatures and they rarely bite unless they feel threatened or afraid. It’s critical to treat them carefully and stay away from quick movements that can frighten them.

If a bearded dragon bites you, wash the area with soap and warm water and keep an eye out for infection symptoms like swelling, redness, or discharge. If the bite is severe or if there are any indications of infection, you should seek medical help.

It’s crucial to determine the trigger that caused your bearded dragon to bite and to deal with any underlying problems, like stress or incorrect care.

How Many Teeth Do Bearded Dragons Have?

Bearded dragons typically have around 80 teeth in their mouths. However, the number of teeth can vary slightly between individuals. These teeth are small and pointed, and they are used for gripping and tearing food.

It’s worth noting that while bearded dragons do have teeth, they are not designed for chewing or grinding. Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles and have a diet that consists of both insects and plant matter.

They typically swallow their food whole or tear it into smaller pieces before swallowing. Their teeth are primarily used for grasping and holding onto prey items.

Regular dental care is not usually necessary for bearded dragons, but it’s important to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.

Offering a variety of appropriately sized prey insects, such as crickets or roaches, along with a selection of leafy greens and vegetables, helps to ensure their dental health and overall well-being.

Do Bearded Dragons Teeth Fall Out?

Yes, just like any other animal, bearded dragons can lose their teeth or have them injured. The many rows of teeth in the top and lower jawbones of bearded dragons are utilized for grasping and breaking food.

Even though the dragon’s teeth are little and not as keen as some other reptiles’, if it bites or scratches someone, they might still be harmful.

Teeth in bearded dragons can lose their enamel over time or if they sustain damage while being fed or doing other tasks. However, significant tooth loss or a big number of missing teeth might indicate a dental issue or a more serious health condition in a bearded dragon.

How Hard Do Bearded Dragons Bite?

Despite having pointed teeth, bearded dragons aren’t typically thought to have a powerful bite. In fact, a bite from a bearded dragon is sometimes described as more of a pinch than a genuine bite. A bearded dragon can still hurt you if it bites you very hard, though.

Bearded dragons normally only bite when they feel threatened or terrified, so it’s crucial to remember that. Additionally, if they believe your fingers to be food, they could bite. It’s crucial to handle your bearded dragon gently and to avoid ever putting your fingers close to its mouth in order to prevent getting bitten.

If a bearded dragon does bite you:

  • wash the wound with soap and water
  • keep an eye out for any indications of illness.
  • if required, get medical treatment, especially if the incision starts to swell, turn red, or hurt.
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Can Beardies Smile?

Because they lack the facial muscles and structure needed to produce a happy face, bearded dragons are unable to grin in the same manner that people can. They can, however, convey happiness or calm by their actions and body language.

A bearded dragon may flatten its body against a surface, close its eyes, and even give the impression that it is “smiling” by opening its lips slightly and keeping it open in a calm manner. This “beardie grin” is a representation of a contented bearded dragon.

Bearded dragons, like other creatures, have unique methods of communicating and expressing themselves, it’s vital to remember that. You can provide your pet greater care and interaction if you are aware of their body language and behavior.

Are Bearded Dragons Happy When They Open Their Mouth?

Not really. Although a bearded dragon’s mouth opening may give the impression that it is joyful, this is not always a reliable indicator of its emotional condition.

To aid with breathing or to control their body temperature, bearded dragons frequently open their lips. This “gaping” habit is a typical reaction to stress or variations in temperature.

Some bearded dragons, though, may also “yawn” to communicate. A bearded dragon may yawn to indicate surrender or to convey relaxation.

Understanding your bearded dragon’s emotions and general wellbeing requires paying close attention to their body language. A cheerful bearded dragon will likely have a good appetite, be attentive, and be eager to connect with you.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Open Their Mouths and Look Up?

For a number of reasons, bearded dragons may open their jaws and stare upward, and this is frequently a habit that comes naturally to them.

  1. They use this, among other things, to control their body temperature. They enable air to travel through their throats and cool hot bodies by opening their jaws.
  2. To connect with their owners or other bearded dragons might be another motive. They could be displaying aggressiveness or claiming authority when they puff out their neck.
  3. During breeding season, they may also open their jaws to attract a mate or to show off their colors.

A trip to the vet is advised if, however, a bearded dragon is opening its jaws wide and looks to be in discomfort since this might indicate a health problem.

Do I Cut My Bearded Dragons Nails?

Yes, you must periodically clip your bearded dragon’s nails to keep them from becoming too long and inflicting pain or even harm on the animal or you. Additionally, overgrown nails have the potential to tear or injure toes when they catch on objects.

  1. You will require a pair of specialist reptile nail clippers to cut your bearded dragon’s nails, which you can get at pet shops or online.
  2. Use of standard human nail clippers or scissors should be avoided since they may splinter or harm the nail in various ways.
  3. To avoid frightening or startling your bearded dragon, it’s preferable to have someone help you clip its nails.
  4. Holding your bearded dragon gently but firmly, trim just the very tip of each nail with the clippers, taking care not to cut too close to the quick.
  5. Consult a doctor or knowledgeable reptile owner for advice if you’re unclear how to clip your bearded dragon’s nails or are concerned about damaging them.

Since their nails grow quickly, it’s important to regularly trim them (once a month) to avoid scratching or having their nails snagged on anything and broken.

Are Bearded Dragons Teeth Sharp?

Although they do have teeth, bearded dragons’ are not as sharp as those of carnivorous animals. Instead of cutting flesh, they have rows of tiny, serrated teeth that are used to grab and tear plants.

Bearded dragon bites may nonetheless be unpleasant and may even break the skin if the dragon is large enough or bites forcefully enough, despite the fact that their teeth are not intended to cause major harm.

Bearded dragons seldom bite unless they feel threatened or are abused, so it’s crucial to handle them delicately and carefully.

The teeth of your bearded dragon should be examined by a veterinarian regularly to make sure they are healthy and not creating any problems.

Do Bearded Dragons Have Venom?

No, bearded dragons lack poison. They are not venomous creatures and do not provide a poisonous hazard to people or other animals.

Bearded dragons do have teeth, but they are little and not sharp enough to do much damage, therefore their bite is not harmful.

Bearded dragons should be handled lightly and carefully to prevent any damage, but typically its bite serves more as a warning or protective reaction than as an aggressive attack.

All things considered, bearded dragons are regarded as safe, sociable, and generally manageable pets.

How Many Teeth Do Bearded Dragons Have?

Although bearded dragons have teeth, they don’t have as many as we do.

  • In the rear of their jaws, bearded dragons normally have between 60 and 80 teeth.
  • They do not rip or chew food with their teeth since they are not extremely sharp.
  • Bearded dragons, on the other hand, gnaw and hold onto their meal with their teeth before swallowing it whole.

Bearded dragons’ teeth may deteriorate or fall off as they mature. They might need to change their diet or feeding schedule as a result, which might make it harder for them to eat.

Additionally, certain bearded dragons may experience painful dental conditions including mouth rot or enlarged teeth. These problems may be avoided and treated with adequate dental care, ensuring the continued health and happiness of your bearded dragon.

Do Bearded Dragons Teeth Grow Back?

The teeth of bearded dragons do really regrow. Bearded dragons, like many other reptiles, have the capacity to regrow teeth throughout the course of their lifetimes.

A new tooth will eventually erupt to replace a missing or damaged tooth. Depending on the bearded dragon’s age and condition, the procedure may take many weeks or even months.

Although bearded dragons’ teeth may regrow, it’s still crucial to maintain their oral health in order to avoid dental problems. This include feeding them a healthy, balanced food, keeping them away from things with sharp edges or other hard surfaces.

My Bearded Dragon Bit Me

I still recall the day my bearded dragon bit me for the first time. He bit me abruptly while I was holding him in my palm and admiring his stunning hues. I was taken aback by how powerful the bite was and quickly withdrew my fingers.

Although the bite didn’t hurt all that much, it did leave my flesh with a few puncture scars. Since I was aware that bearded dragons lacked venom, I wasn’t really concerned about becoming ill or anything of the kind. I was more focused on how to keep it from happening in the future.

I learned through my investigation that my bearded dragon could have felt threatened or afraid because I was holding him too firmly. I took care to handle him more delicately after that and to approach him slowly and quietly.

I learned a lot from my bearded dragon’s bite, all things considered. It made me realize how crucial it is to treat these animals with respect and care.


In conclusion, although bearded dragons have teeth, they do not chew food with them. Instead, they utilize their teeth to grab and dismember their prey.

They lack venom and have rather blunt teeth. Although their teeth do not easily fall out, they may occasionally shatter or become worn down. Eventually though, they will regrow.

To avoid potential dental issues like mouth rot, it’s crucial to routinely inspect and care for your bearded dragon’s teeth.

You can support your bearded dragon’s general health and wellbeing by taking good care of its teeth.


Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.


My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.