I needed to learn quickly about how to identify, treat and prevent iguana fungal infections. I didn’t know a thing, but the help of the iguana community and a trusted vet made me feel more confident.
Iguanas are prone to developing infections. Some can be avoided and others can be treated. Unfortunately, some cannot be cured.
This article is intended to help us understand iguana fungal infection and how to deal with it with the help of a vet.
Iguana Fungal Infection
Iguanas can develop fungal infections from unsanitary conditions. Trauma is another reason why a fungus has invaded and spread through your iguana.
It could start from something as small as a cut or wound on the digit of your iguana. These digits are delicate on their limbs and could get infected quickly in dirty, moist environments where fungal infections can thrive.
The higher the amount of bacteria in unsanitary environments, or fungal matter present, the higher the chances that a wound which could be minor can cause an infection.
How To Treat Iguana Fungal Infections
It’s up to you to be proactive to prevent fungal infections by keeping a sanitary habitat clean as much as possible. Fungal infections may still occur due to previous habits prior to receiving your companion in your home.
There could be many other underlying causes. A full recovery is tough to consider at this point, medication is necessary and a trip to the vet should not be avoided.
There might be two options that are out of our control, but we are going to make the ultimate decision on them:
- Antibiotics
- Surgery
1. Antibiotics
Antifungal medications will involve antibiotic treatments. Never give your iguana medications indeed for humans or other animals you may have lying around the house.
2. Surgery
Surgery might be needed to remove fungal mass on the body of your iguanas. Finally euthanasia is gong to be mentioned by the vet if your iguana is in pain and cannot be saved.
If their life and overall quality of living is going to worsen, you may need to step in and decide to give them a humane and pain free alternative to such an awful infection.
Which Medicines Treat Fungus On An Iguana?
Treating a fungal infection on your iguana is not going to be done on your own. A prescription to specific reptile medicine is going to be offered to you by your iguana’s vet and it may contain any of the following:
- Voriconazole
- Amphotericin B
- Terbinafine
- Itraconazole
We do not wish to be in the position to tell you which medications are better than others. This is truly not what this article is intended for.
We valued our visits to the vet who told us what was necessary when Buddy (our iguana) had an infection on one limb when he cut one of his digits on a sharp branch.
The surrounding area was not clean and fungal matter or harmful bacteria invaded his body.
The treatment was minor and only involved oral medicine with topical ointment containing the drugs listed above. In more severe cases, surgery might be needed to remove fungal masses.

Preventing Iguana Fungal Infections
The worst thing is when you are doing your absolute best to keep the best practices and sanitary conditions with healthy foods being offered and your iguana still develops a fungal infection.
This could be a deep rooted problem in your iguana who may have been infected at a young age before you brought them home.
Other genetic or immune deficiencies could make them more susceptible to developing fungal infections.
Here are some tips to help prevent fungal infection in iguanas:
- Better husbandry practices. Check humidity, temperature, nutrition, cleanliness
- Reduce likelihood of trauma from sharp objects or dangerous locations when your iguana could likely fall.
- Play close attention to their delicate digits that can get easily wounded
- House them in larger and safer enclosures that are less cluttered and spacious for ease of movement.
Unfortunately infections could become chronic and never fully cure themselves. Your iguana can recover and live a full life, but infection can reoccur easier in iguanas that were infected in the past.
Iguana Skin Infections
Skin infection on an iguana can be caused by:
- Bacteria
- Fungus
- Parasites
- Wounds/trauma
The most common areas for iguanas to develop skin infection are their legs, feets, digits, and tail.
The symptoms you may notice are:
Untreated infections can cause:
- Fibrous osteodystrophy
- Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)
- Rear Leg Paralysis
- Blisters
- Inflammation
- Lethargy (your iguana stops moving. See more here)
- Worms and protozoans
- Organ failure
- Death
Why Do I See Brown Spots On My Iguana?
Brown spots on an iguana is a general occurrence that could be due to excess exposure to sunlight or UVB lights. Also check the temperatures that can lead to death which I explain here.
They might actually be burns that will heal. Other reasons for brown spots are:
- parasites
- mites
- general color changes
- fungal disease
- bacterial infection
Different colors of spots may develop on your aging iguana. Pathogens could cause them as well. If the cause is serious or related to infections, they could easily spread and prove to be fatal without treatment.
Continue to monitor these spots and look for improvement over the coming days. You could receive an ointment to apply to these spots or a diagnosis of bigger problems than simple brown spots.
We do not wish to give you bad news or any news without allowing your iguana to receive a fair and professional examination from a vet.
Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.