Unfortunately, our sugar glider was having difficulty going to the bathroom. Can Sugar Gliders Get Constipated?
Let’s dedicate this article to constipated sugar gliders and try to resolve this potentially fatal problem before it’s too late.
Can Sugar Gliders Get Constipated?
Yes. Our sugar glider’s belly was distended, and her stool that did come out was dry and very hard. We realized that she was not getting enough roughage in her diet.
I added more fibrous food and fruits to her diet. We encouraged her to drink more water by adding drops of honey or glucose in her bottle.
We also tried the treatment of a teaspoon of freshly blended apple juice twice a day with excellent flowing results. Keep in mind that too many treatments, fruits and water will result in diarrhea.
How Do I Know if My Sugar Glider Is Dehydrated?
If you are paying close attention to your sugar glider, you may notice some changes that indicates they could be dehydrated. Look for the following signs:
- dry mouth
- lackluster energy
- loose skin
- abnormal normal breathing
- dry nose
- sunken eyes
- shaking or seizures
At one point, our sugar glider was refusing to drink anything. This was in the early stages when she was very uncomfortable or getting adjusted to life in our home.
We tried everything we could, but she needed to visit the veterinarian who gave her an injection of fluids that helped with dehydration before it was too late.
Why Is My Sugar Glider Motionless and Lazy?
Your sugar glider may have an issue with a calcium deficiency instead of simply acting lazy. Other conditions include:
- HLP (hind leg paralysis)
- NSHP (nutritional secondary hyperparathroidism)
- MBD (metabolic bone disease)
You can attribute many of these conditions to an improper diet. Just begin again to re-evaluate every food that you offer and see if you can adapt the diet to add more roughage and fruits in small portions.
If you are worried about sudden death, this sugar glider article is essential reading.

What Happens If My Sugar Glider Is Constipated?
Your sugar glider is probably going to stop eating soon. There could also be a fear of internal parasites, worms or microorganisms in the gut.
Make sure that your sugar glider’s gums above the teeth are not swollen.
Dehydration is also a fear when their eyes look sunken in. If you cannot go to the veterinarian right away for an injection of fluids that they can administer, start by offering water and glucose in a 1 to 1 mix ratio.
Finally, constipation can also be coupled with a urinary tract infection. Sugar glider has very high phosphate levels make sure signs of an infection straining to urinate, not drinking or losing weight.
They might be moving slow for this reason and many more. This article here will explain it much better.
How to Cure Constipation Problems in Sugar Gliders
Your sugar glider might need the help of a veterinarian if you have already tried giving them more roughage and fruits in their diet.
Watery fruits help, but what we have tried is a teaspoon of freshly blended apple juice twice a day. This works in many cases, but if the impaction and blockage is serious you may need to visit a vet who can administer a stool softener, enema or even resort to surgery.
It all depends on how desperate the situation is at the moment. How long has your sugar glider been constipated?
The worst case scenario is that intense suffering and damage has been caused internally that may lead to your veterinarian recommending that they be put down.
Before you think of the worst, start with step one to add more roughage, fruits while trying this apple juice teaspoon technique for today.
Remedies for Sugar Glider Constipation
- fibrous food
- 100% pure pumpkin soup (warm or cool)
- melons
- cucumbers
- apples
- apple juice (no sugar)
- massaging the rear end (cloaca) with warm water
- fluid injection from the veterinarian
- stool softeners
- enema
- surgery
Based on personal experiences caring for small animals, we know that constipation is a serious concern that can lead to major problems if it is not treated.
Start with adding more liquids and fiber, reduce stress by making sure the cage is located in a comfortable space. Increase exercises and visit the vet if symptoms persist.
We hope your sugar glider recovers from constipation soon.
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