Uromastyx Temperature and Humidity Requirements {Everything You Need}

It’s time to get technical with uromastyx temperature and humidity requirements. We are here to help you.

Always make sure you are not overwhelmed with this process by utilizing the help of an article like this joining along with online and local community members of lizard lovers.

Let’s find out what you need to set up and maintain the right heat, lighting and humidity requirements for Uromastyx.

Uromastyx Temperature and Humidity Requirements

  • Humidity:10% to 25%
  • 1-2 halogen heat lamps
  • Basking spots: 100-120°F
  • Background gradient temperatures 80-100°F
  • Under the basking bulb: 120-140°F
  • Cool side temperatures: 80-85°F
  • Night time temperatures: 70-75°F

You can lower nighttime temperatures by turning off heating devices overhead. If you operate an under the tank heater, you can continue to leave that on 24 hours a day.

Do Uromastyx Need Heat at Night?

Your uromastyx does not need heat at night if you can keep temperatures around 68-80°F. My uromastyx loves nighttime temperatures at 75°F.

If you notice that your uromastyx is frequently hiding and not eating, they might be using the drop in temperature to enter brumation over the winter months.

If the nighttime temperatures drop often during any season, they will enjoy slightly cooler air to mimic their natural conditions.

You can safely turn off their heat source, but you can keep an under the tank heater operating to manage the temperature range at this perfect spot to reach the ideal number between 68-80°F.

Do Uromastyx Need a Heat Pad?

If you live in a colder climate, you may need to invest in a heat pad. These devices are also referred to as UTH (under the tank heater).

A thermometer is needed to make sure you can check that temperatures are not lowering under 68°F, but 75°F is where I recommend under the advice of other experienced uromastyx caregivers.

The heat pad or UTH can stay on 24 hours a day. You place this device outside of the enclosure and it helps to give them supplemental heat in cooler temperatures on colder winter nights.

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How Do You Keep Uromastyx Hydrated?

Uromastyx doesn’t need to drink much water. They have adapted to life in dry, arid lands where water is scarce.

This lizard can pull and absorb moisture from the air. You can encourage drinking if you notice that your uromastyx is dehydrated when their skin is tight or dull in color.

Some options include:

  • Drops of water in their nose
  • Soaking
  • Shallow dish of drinking water
  • Syringe with water into their mouth

These techniques can feel forceful and not recommended on a regular basis. Be aware of tail rot infections when they can become ill from excess moisture.

Forcing drops through a syringe or dropper may lead your uromastyx to avoid contact and shy away from you. This could interfere in the trust building process.

How Do Uromastyx Drink Water?

Uromastyx can absorb water from the vegetation they eat. They can also absorb water from humidity in the air.

Some lizards lap up water off leaves or the tank walls. You can place drinking water in a dish for brief periods of time in their enclosure, but remove it to prevent them from getting wet.

When are uromastyx most hungry? Find out if seeds are on the menu and what foods should be avoided.

UVB Lighting for Uromastyx

UVB lighting helps uromastyx absorb and process calcium in captivity. We sprinkle calcium powder on their meals, but the UVB light allows them to utilize it better. UVB lighting also helps to prevent
MBD (metabolic bone disease)

Leave this UVB light on for 10-12 hours a day and turn them off at night to help your uromastyx maintain their natural diurnal cycle. You can provide heat and UVB lighting with products that cover both features.

Brumation is a hot topic for Uromastyx lovers. Find out why in this article.

How To Lower Humidity in Uromastyx Enclosure

10-25% humidity is all uromastyx need in their enclosure. They do not require misting, spraying or soaking with water. The trick is to increase ventilation to reduce humidity.

Humidity can lead to complications in their respiratory system or skin infections including tail rot. Infrared heaters reduce moisture as well along with heat lamps. The waves of heat can:

  • Dry enclosures
  • Reduce condensation
  • Prevent mold
  • Kill bacteria

Uromastyx expects their enclosure to remain dry. Refrain from misting and if you do so to help with shedding, only do it in the morning.

This allows them to back and dry off during the day when UVB lights are on along with heat waves drying them up quickly. Never get uromastyx wet at night.

Heating Uromastyx Enclosure

You may hear that caring for uromastyx is fairly easy and fun, I have to agree, but there is a big stipulation.

If you cannot mimic the dry and hot conditions in an indoor ecosystem with a vivarium, terrarium, tank or enclosure to support their optimal health, do not enter into this hobby and responsibility.

This is a lizard from North Africa, Middle East and India where conditions are harsh. Buying a couple of heating maps will not cover it. This is what I recommend:

  • Heating devices at one end to encourage basking where temperatures reach 120 to 140°F.
  • A cool side should have lower temperatures around 80-85°F.
  • This is a heliothermic lizard that will not burn easily under overhead heating lights.
  • Radiant heat panels are costly, but regulate the heating in the enclosure better.
  • Always use a thermostat to adjust the levels appropriately.

Heat Bulbs for Uromastyx

You will need to mount UVB lights, infrared heating and a heat pad under the tank. Here are some recommendations:

  1. 150 watt intense basking bulb more than 45 inches (115cm) long.
  2. Bright white light, 5000-6500 K. daylight rating bulb.
  3. A 100-150 watt reptile bulb should be able to heat and light up the full tank.
  4. An under the tank heater should be outside their enclosure because these lizards love digging and should not be touching the heat pad. They will stop burrowing and this may cause stress.
  5. Use a basking light in one corner of the tank. You are aiming to create a temperature gradient.

Placing the basking light in the middle will negate the attempt of achieving this gradient from hot to cool. What size tank do you have?

  • 40-60 gallon tank: use a 100 watt heat bulb
  • 60+ gallon tank: use a 150 watt heat bulb

If you are using LED instead of Halogen bumps, you may need ceramic heat emitting bulbs on cold days.

Dome Fixtures For Uromastyx Tank

If you are using an air screen, the dome fixtures will guard the light and house them safely. This fixture should be able to support 150-330 watt bulbs. Choose ceramic dome fixtures or holders over plastic which can burn or melt.

Wooden tanks need bracket fixtures on the ceiling of the tank. 2 light fixtures work well as one fits the main bulb and the other fits the basking bulb.

A heat emitting bulb that doesn’t produce light could only add heat in the basking area if one light is sufficient.

Glass tanks can benefit from dome fixtures as well. You can use a stand to support if you cannot support the fixture with a bracket overhead.

Stands help to suspend the light and prevent the screen above from melting or the glass from cracking.

How Far Do Lights Need To Be From My Uromastyx?

A tank for an adult uromastyx should be at least 19.5 inches (around 50cm) high.

  • 10% UVB tube in a hood with reflector: 15-17 inches (38-43cm)
  • 12% UVB tube, in a hood with reflector: 17-19 inches (43-48cm)
  • 10-12% UVB in a hood without reflector: 9-10 inches (23-25cm)
  • Low output T8 tube, housed in a hood with reflector: 6-8 inches (15-20cm)
  • Reptile basking bulb – 100-150 watt: 7-9 inches (18-23 cm)

When you bring your uromastyx home, experiment and use the recommendations above at a good starting point depending on the lights you are using.

Place UVB light outside wire mesh will block the UVB that is emitting into your pet. This is why 10-12% UVB is recommended with a reflector.

Thermometer for Uromastyx Tank

You will need to measure temperatures in your uromastyx tank with:

  • 3 internal thermometers
  • 1 infrared handheld thermometer

One thermometer measures the basking area, while the others measure the middle and cool spot. You can use a handheld thermometer for more accurate reading throughout.

Thermostats help control temperature. They can turn off automatically when we are away if temperatures are getting too high.

A on and off thermostat will help you when the temperatures are too high or low.

How Long Can Uromastyx Go Without Heat?

If temperature does not fall below 65-70°F, your uromastyx will survive without heat for 1-3 days. This is unfortunate, but malfunctions or power outages occur.

You must be able and ready to help under these circumstances. Battery power or generators are items that exotic pet owners keep handy in case of emergencies.


We do not wish to overwhelm you today with many technical recommendations or costly measures to keep your uromastyx happy and healthy.

This is a lizard that is generally easy to care for, but they do require the right, lights, heating, temperatures and humidity to maintain the ease of caring for them.

Always use the assistance of a local exotic pet shop expert, a vet and enter into the online or local communities of like-minded people who love caring for reptiles as much as you do.


Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.


My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.