Rabbits take from plants and give back with their potent poop that acts as a perfect fertilizer. How to store rabbit poop for fertilizer depends on whether or not you wish to add it to compost or make rabbit manure tea.
That’s right, they call it rabbit tea, but do not drink it. Gross!
In this article we’ll run through the benefits and storing methods for rabbit poop to be used as fertilizer.
How to Store Rabbit Poop for Fertilizer
Preserving rabbit poop for fertilizer is really easy. You just need to add the rabbit manure the way it is directly into the compost pile or bin.
After that, try to add in wood shavings and/or straw in equal parts. For me it’s a 1:1:1 ratio.
A small bucket of rabbit poop is tossed into the compost. The same amount of wood shavings and straws follow right behind. I will explain additional methods below including rabbit manure tea!
What Is the Best Way to Store Rabbit Manure?
Drying the feces of rabbits greatly increases shelf life. Manure may be exposed to the sun for a few hours on a warm day by being spread out on a black tarp or a similar surface.
This will increase the shelf life of the manure. This allows you to store the manure for several weeks at a time in a container with a cover.
Numerous folks in my community who say they just dry and store them in plastic bags to make rabbit manure tea.
I make sure the manure doesn’t get wet because when it does, it begins to decompose and draws flies and maggots.
What Does Rabbit Manure Contain?
Rabbit Manure contains everything they eat and a little more. Here are the main components of rabbit poop:
- Hay
- Vegetables
- Grasses
- Fruits
- Phosphorus
- Nitrogen
- Potassium
- Boron
- Manganese
- Zinc
- Sulfur
- Cobalt
- Copper
Since rabbits function on a plant based diet, the manure they end up providing us can help to regenerate more plants in a cyclical process.
It’s best to use their manure as fertilizer for your garden to make up for the rabbits who have destroyed or stolen plants from countless gardens around the world. This is their way of giving back!
How To Make Rabbit Tea from Rabbit Poop
Because they are created from rabbit waste, poop pellets are comparable to fertilizer cubes. They will eventually disappear, releasing their nutrients into the ground.
Rabbit waste can be:
- placed in a bucket of water
- exposed to the sun
- allowed to naturally decompose
Another option is to place the pellets in a fabric bag, such as an old cotton pillowcase, with a pail of water that has been heated by the sun.
Whichever way you use, the water will eventually become brownish-translucent as the nutrients from the rabbit dung gradually seep out of it. Following that, fertilize your yard with the manure tea.

Benefits of Using Rabbit Poop as a Fertilizer
The advantages of utilizing rabbit excrement as fertilizer are as follows:
1. Improves the Health of Your Garden’s Soil
Rabbit excrement can improve the condition of the soil. All crops, including grains, fruits, and vegetables, flourish under the best soil conditions.
2. Nitrogen is Added to the Plant
Rabbit feces has a greater nitrogen content than the waste of many other animals, such as chickens, horses, and goats. If you need to efficiently cultivate a variety of crops, have rabbit feces on hand.
3. More soil moisture is present
One of the main uses of rabbit manure is to retain soil moisture. Your plants may dry up and perish if your soil is too dry.
Is Rabbit Urine Helpful for Your Garden?
Yes. Researchers have found that rabbits may offer more than just their feces to gardens. They may also offer their urine which may be utilized to boost the value of rabbit dung fertilizer in a garden.
It is an excellent soil addition with a high level of nitrogen when combined with rabbit dung.
Another term for the urine-and-poop mixture is rabbit compost tea. Sometimes it is referred to as compost tea or rabbit tea.
How Often Should You Fertilize With Rabbit Poop?
Although the sort of plants you are taking care of vary, lighter seasonal applications of rabbit dung are generally advised.
During the growing phase:
- Mix one tablespoon of rabbit dung with one gallon of water if you’re using a liquid fertilizer.
Try giving established plants a top-dressing of composted rabbit manure every two to three months.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How long does rabbit poop fertilizer last?
Rabbit excrement typically takes 3 to 5 days to totally decompose. Often, it doesn’t disintegrate entirely. For optimum effects maintain a rabbit manure tea in a warm, sunny location. Give your plants a nutritious boost by watering them with rabbit compost tea.
2. Can you use old rabbit poop as fertilizer?
Yes. The fact that rabbit feces doesn’t require composting is one of its finest features. Organic material like rabbit dung helps to enhance the soil’s structure, drainage, and moisture retention.
3. How long does it take for rabbit manure to decompose?
Every two weeks, stir the manure and water it to keep it wet. Add extra food scraps or rabbit waste whenever you have it. Mix it, and moisten it before covering the mound with a tarp. The time it takes for the manure to decompose and be ready for the garden might range from a few months to a year.
Rabbit Manure Facts
- Four times as many nutrients are found in rabbit dung as in chicken manure.
- Rabbit excrement manure does not require composting.
- The organic content of rabbit dung improves drainage and moisture retention.
- Worms love to eat rabbit droppings.
- It doesn’t smell as awful as other manure
- One doe and her young can create enough manure for an entire year.
- Rabbit excrement has high concentrations of phosphate, nitrogen, and potassium.
- The nitrogen content of rabbit poo exceeds that of sheep, chicken, goat, cow, and horse dung.
- Compared to other manures, rabbit dung has a significantly greater phosphorus concentration.
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