Fleas are my worst nightmare. They arrive on pets and infest the house if not spotted and treated. Can rabbits get fleas from hay?
How did my rabbit get fleas? What are some flea remedies and prevention tips?
I wrote this article after a bad experience with fleas and I learned a lot that I can share with you right now.
Can Rabbits Get Fleas From Hay?
Yes. The hay that is stored in the barn for your rabbit may potentially be contaminated with fleas. Another possibility is that fleas are present in the hay you purchase in bulk from some pet supply stores.
If your rabbit spends time in your backyard, there is a good chance that he or she will pick up fleas from the grass.
How Can Bunnies Get Fleas?
It is uncommon for indoor rabbits to get fleas unless a domestic pet, such a cat or dog, does so first. The risk to your rabbit is increased when these fleas transfer from one creature to another.
Wild rabbits can transmit fleas to outdoor rabbits as well. They spend time in areas where fleas are known to exist including grass and hay.
Signs Your Rabbit Has Fleas
Your rabbit is probably dealing with fleas if you notice these signs:
- gnawing on or rubbing at skin
- loss of fur
- little red lumps on your rabbit’s skin are flea bite marks
- flea droppings are visible as little, black dirt flecks
Fleas can make your rabbit rather weak if they are present in huge numbers and are sucking blood, which causes anemia or the deadly myxomatosis virus that can spread from fleas.
How Do I Keep Fleas Away From Rabbits?
Natural flea repellents should be used sparingly on your rabbit since rabbits are sensitive to medications intended for larger animals
- The simplest and safest natural flea treatment is to use a flea comb twice daily to physically remove fleas from your rabbit’s coat.
- Although diatomaceous earth is a safe to eat powder that kills fleas, your rabbits risk respiratory problems if they inhale this dust.
- Advantage II is a product used for cats, dogs and rabbits to kill fleas, but the dosage must be lessened and consulting with a vet is recommended.

What Happens When Rabbits Contract Fleas?
Some rabbits may scratch themselves until they develop sores or bald areas as a result of their extreme itching.
Keep in mind that just because you can’t see any fleas on your rabbit doesn’t indicate that she doesn’t have any.
Finally, you may to accept that your house has fleas now as well. You will need to check around the areas your rabbit frequents to spot fleas or their droppings.
What Kills Fleas Naturally on Bunnies?
Natural remedies to kill fleas are preferred when you are weary of using chemicals on the sensitive skin of your pocket pet. Try the following with Apple Cider Vinegar:
spritz the bunny with a solution of one part apple cider vinegar to one part water and massage it into their fur.
You may also add as little as 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per 1 gallon of water to your rabbit’s daily water intake as a precaution.
Can I Use Flea Medicine on Rabbits?
Rabbits have exceptionally delicate systems. Using the incorrect flea treatment may be quite dangerous for your rabbit. It might make them sick or lead to death.
I usually advise seeking advice from a veterinarian with knowledge in rabbit care. They will be able to provide you with the proper dosage information as well as a product recommendation that is safe for rabbits.
This implies that a topical medication made for cats may frequently still be too much for some rabbits while being insufficient for larger bunnies.
To keep your pet rabbit flea-free, a veterinarian can assist you in determining the right dosage and the safest route to take.
Can I Use Advantage For Fleas On Rabbits?
Yes, In my experience, a number of flea and tick treatments, including Advantage for cats and Revolution, have seemed to be both safe and effective against fleas in rabbits.
The majority of the time, I go with Revolution since the suggested dosage for rabbits has been determined.
Moreover, it may be used to treat other parasites like ear mites, which may potentially be a problem for your rabbit. Before administering a new flea and tick preventative to your pet, always consult your veterinarian.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Can Humans Get Rabbit Fleas?
Yes, but on humans, fleas do not survive. They often leap from an infected pet or other animal, but it’s most likely from an infected pet bed, and bites down at your feet, ankles, and legs.
2. Do Bunnies Get Fleas From Cats and Dogs?
Yes. Fleas are one of the external parasites that rabbits might contract. Fleas are tiny insect parasites that can settle on your rabbit, particularly if it spends time outside or is housed with dogs or cats that also have fleas.
3. Do Rabbits Get Fleas From Grass?
Yes. Fleas hope from a blade of grass to another looking for a host. Your rabbit that enjoy free roaming time in an outdoor area with grass may be vulnerable to contracting fleas that hop aboard their bodies and possibly bring them into your home as well.
4. Can Fleas Kill Rabbits?
Yes. Although fleas are uncommon in rabbits, they still pose a significant threat. The nearly deadly myxomatosis virus that affects rabbits can be spread by fleas. Extreme itching can develop into deep sores that may get infected as well.
Bear in mind that fleas make great hitchhikers. While you’re outside, they get on the hay, grass and climb onto your pet rabbit.
Fleas can really leap high enough to enter your house through the screens on your windows, so you can even let them in by just leaving them open.
One of my other household pets may give my rabbits fleas. The truth is that even if your rabbits never leaves their home or comes into contact with other animals, they might still get fleas from hay or other sources.
Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.