Do Wolves Eat Rabbits? {Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Rabbit From Wolves}

The thought of rabbits being caught and eaten is uncomfortable for me. Do Wolves Eat Rabbits?

I try to not watching nature shows where rabbits are killed. Do wolves eat baby rabbits? Which animals hunt rabbits the most?

In this article, we will answer the question, “Do Wolves Eat Rabbits?”. We will also mention the top 5 ways to protect your rabbit from wolves.

Do Wolves Eat Rabbits?

Yes. Wolves are opportunistic predators and they will most certainly eat rabbits among many other smaller animals including:

  • mice
  • birds
  • snakes
  • fish

Even though rabbits do not completely fill the appetite of a wolf, they are still larger than mice and other small rodents.

Wolves will eat what they need to carry them forward as they search for larger prey like moose, elk and deer. They will also consume some non-meat items such as vegetables.

What Animal Eats Rabbits the Most?

If you think that wolves are the number one predator of rabbits, you are mistaken. Rabbits are often hunted by birds of prey such as:

  • Eagles
  • Hawks
  • Owls

Snakes, foxes and raccoons on the ground will continue to keep their eyes open for an evening meal if they can catch a rabbit.

There are also many cases of dogs and cats eating rabbits as well if they get the opportunity to catch one.

Do Wolves Like Rabbits?

Wolves like to eat rabbits. Even though they have their target set on larger animals, such as, elk, deer, moose, they will have to compromise when they cannot successfully hunt and catch them.

In this case, wolves will surrender their appetite to smaller species of animals such as:

  • rabbits
  • beavers
  • mice
  • squirrels
  • muskrats
  • marmots
  • grouse
  • birds

Do Foxes Eat Rabbits?

Yes. Fox’s also prey on rabbits. They will enjoy eating the muscles and fatty tissues of rabbits along with guinea pigs and chickens as well.

It is important to keep your pets protected from wild foxes known to enter properties and backyards. Rabbits should be kept in enclosures, protected in pens that are locked securely or indoors for their own safety.

It is especially important to keep rabbits protected at night from foxes who would like to nocturnally hunt.

What Animal Kills Rabbits at Night?

Raccoons and badgers are nocturnal and will definitely try to hunt a rabbit that is available and vulnerable at night. This is why it’s very important to keep our rabbits protected if they are outside.

Birds of prey such as owls top the list of animals hunting from above. Hawks, falcons, kestrels and eagles will also keep their eyes open at night to find a rabbit that is vulnerable as they get ready for attack.

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What Are Wolves Afraid Of?

Wolves do not want to be near humans, cars and other large objects or creatures. They are going to shy away from things that they are not used to seeing in the wild.

Wolves who remain hidden have a better chance at survival. This is why a wolf will not wish to enter territories that humans have developed and populated.

They will try to avoid these locations unless they are absolutely desperate for a meal. We should never leave food out for wolves if we live in areas that they populate.

Do Cats Eat Rabbits?

Yes. Sadly, as much as we love cats, they are known to hunt and eat rabbits as well. If you do not allow your cat to maintain proper boundaries within your household, they will get the chance to seize the opportunity and hunt down a rabbit or a rodent.

A cat that sees a wild or domesticated rabbit outside on your property, will take the risk of leaving his or her comfortable territory in their household to attack, chase, hunt and kill a rabbit.

Do Eagles Eat Rabbits?

Yes. Eagles use their excellent vision and flying techniques to take down rabbits from afar. They will hunt down medium-sized mammals and other birds as well.

The diet of an eagle is focused mostly on consuming mammals and birds. They will take the opportunity to eat any animal alive or also as carrion.

What to Do if a Wolf Approaches You

A wolf will not wish to approach you unless they are desperate and hungry. If they feel threatened by your presence, a wolf may also stand its ground. You must also do the same.

Stand tall and stay as large as possible as your eyes make contact with a wolf. You can take very tiny and slow steps backwards if you wish. A wolf is not going to back off right away.

Stay tall, stay large, maintain eye contact and back away very gradually. It is important that you do not turn your back on a wolf or run away from it.

If you are trying to protect one of your domesticated animals such as a rabbit, you cannot act quickly. You must maintain your ground and hold your territory by standing firm and tall.

Why Do Wolves Eat Rabbits?

Wolves eat rabbits because they are carnivores and must hunt down prey to stay alive. Rabbits can be caught by wolves and clenched in their jaws.

A rabbit is not a complete meal for a wolf who will continue to stay aware and alert in the wild to find larger prey that they can satiate their appetite and their pack as well.

Is it easy for a wolf to catch a rabbit? Rabbits will not make it easy for a wolf as they run in zig-zag patterns and use their 360-degree range of vision to stay aware of any potential predators nearby such as wolves.

Do Wolves Eat Baby Rabbits?

Yes. Wolves will be able to discover nests of baby rabbits and eat them in a hurry. Any type of rabbit that is available in front of a wolf is seen as food only.

Baby rabbits are extremely vulnerable and will not be able to defend themselves or run away. This makes them a a quick and simple snack for a wolf who continues to prowl and hunt for a larger meals.

Are Rabbits Hunted by All Types of Wolves?

Although many types of wolves will take the opportunity for a quick meal and if a rabbit is in their territory, they are a target.

Gray wolves will be the least likely to hunt a rabbit. This is because they are much more focused on larger animals like:

  • deer
  • caribou
  • moose
  • elk

Gray wolves would not want to use their energy and risk depleting their fat stores in order to chase a rabbit that may not provide enough nourishment or replenishment. Red wolves are more likely to hunt down rabbits as they are smaller in size.

Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Rabbit From Wolves

If you wish to protect your favorite rabbit companion from the chance of a wolf attack, take the following precautions:

  1. Keep your rabbit safely inside a hutch outside that is locked.
  2. Bring your rabbits inside for the evenings and  overnight.
  3. Build a property fence around your yard. The fence should be ideally 8 feet high with angles at the top. It should also extends under the ground to at least 2 feet to prevent wolves from digging underneath it.
  4. Remove food waste such as compost or other items that can draw the attention of a wolf who can sniff it from far away.
  5. Your rabbit who lives outside needs a strong hunch that is made of metal and solid wood. The wire mesh around the hutch be to 2mm or thicker.

Enclosure that do not have a floor underneath or a solid surface like concrete may allow larger predators like wolves to dig underneath it. Make sure your hutch is standing on a solid surface and is not floorless.

Are Rabbits Easy to Catch by Wolves?

No. Rabbits are nimble, smart and able to escape by using their zig-zag patterns to flee when chased by predators. Rabbits have excellent eyesight and 360 vision to spot wolves that are approaching.

Unfortunately, when a wolf does catch a rabbit, they are able to provide a bite strength that is about 400 pounds per square inch that will crush a rabbit within its jaws.

Rabbits thump loudly to alert their counterparts under the ground in burrows that a predator has arrived. They will try to fight off a wolf with sharp claws and stand on their hind legs.

A boxing rabbit will give it all they have got in a final attempt to preserve their own life. A rabbit that is domesticated will not have the instinct and survival techniques that a wild rabbit demonstrates. They are much more susceptible to wolf attacks.


Wolves eat rabbits, but they will not choose them as their top option for the meal of the day. A wolf feels satisfied by catching larger prey to not only feed him or herself but also the entire pack.

Rabbits will only keep wolves nourished to continue their hunt for a larger prey. Unfortunately, rabbits have many smaller predators who will be much more satisfied and nourished from the successful hunt and consumption of this vulnerable species.

This is why it’s crucial to protect our rabbits in their hutch and watch out for predators from all locations including from above.


Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.


My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.