Are you trying to serve a varied diet of veggies for your bearded dragon? Can bearded dragons eat spinach?
Do you want to why spinach is debatable and may possibly be left off the menu? What other vegetables make the cut and which should be avoided or given sparingly?
This is the ultimate article to help you decide if spinach should be given to bearded dragons.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?
Sparingly. Spinach can be eaten by bearded dragons, but it shouldn’t be a regular part of their diet. Oxalates found in spinach can bind to calcium and stop it from being absorbed, which can cause metabolic bone disease.
If eaten in big quantities, it might potentially result in renal issues. Offering spinach as a treat or an occasional addition to a diversified diet is advised, but not as a primary food source.
For bearded dragons, other leafy greens like kale, mustard greens, and collard greens are preferable. These greens are a healthy and nutrient-dense supplement to their diet since they are abundant in calcium and other important elements.
Can Beardies Eat Raw Spinach?
I stopped feeding spinach to my bearded dragon. Although spinach may be eaten raw by bearded dragons, it shouldn’t be a regular component of their diet.
While spinach is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, it is also heavy in oxalates, which can bind to calcium and harm bearded dragons’ health.
When giving spinach to your bearded dragon, keep the following 4 tips in mind:
- Oxalates which are abundant in spinach, can lead to calcium deficiencies in bearded dragons if given to them too frequently.
- Insects like mealworms, superworms, and crickets should make up the majority of a bearded dragon’s diet, along with leafy greens and vegetables.
- If you do feed your bearded dragon spinach, make sure to do it sparingly and as a part of a diverse diet.
- For bearded dragons, other leafy greens like mustard and collard greens are a greater source of nourishment and ought to be the first option for leafy greens in their diet.
What Greens Can Bearded Dragon Eat?
Due to their omnivorous nature, bearded dragons need a diet that includes both insects and greens. The following vegetables are safe for your bearded dragon:
- Collard greens: high in calcium and vitamin A
- Mustard greens: high in calcium and vitamin A
- Turnip greens: high in calcium and vitamin A
- Dandelion greens: high in calcium and vitamin A
- Endive: low in oxalates and high in fiber
- Escarole: low in oxalates and high in fiber
- Hibiscus leaves: high in calcium and vitamin A
Even while spinach has a lot of iron, it also has a lot of oxalates, which can bind to calcium and stop it from being absorbed.
This is why I’m saying spinach should either be avoided altogether or used sparingly. Additionally, be sure to wash any greens completely before giving them to your bearded dragon.
What Leafy Greens Can Bearded Dragons Not Eat?
The following leafy greens are not off-limits to bearded dragons, but there are better options. Allow me to explain:
- Lettuce: Lettuce offers little in the way of nourishment and can cause diarrhea as well as other digestive problems.
- Spinach: High quantities of oxalates in spinach can bind to calcium and prevent it from being absorbed, which can cause metabolic bone disease.
- Swiss chard: Similar to spinach, Swiss chard should be avoided since it contains high quantities of oxalates.
- Kale: Although a healthy leafy green, kale also contains goitrogens that, when consumed in excess, can affect thyroid function.
Overall, it’s crucial to provide your bearded dragon a diversified diet that includes a combination of secure leafy greens and other veggies like bell peppers, carrots, and squash.
Can My Beardie Eat Carrots?
Yes. Bearded dragons may eat raw carrots, but because they are heavy in sugar, they should only be given a little amount at a time.
Carrots may be hard for them to digest as well, so it’s crucial to shred or break them up before giving. It is preferable to provide carrots as a treat sometimes rather than as a staple of their diet.
Bearded dragons may be fed raw carrots, but this should not be the main source of vegetables in their diet. To guarantee they eat a balanced meal, a variety of greens, vegetables, and fruits should be available.
Can Beardies Eat Corn?
Yes. Corn is a food that bearded dragons may consume, but only in moderation. Corn has a low calcium content and a high phosphorus content, which might cause health issues in bearded dragons if they consume too much of it.
Instead of making maize a regular component of their diet, it is preferable to provide it as an occasional treat. Be careful to chop the corn from the cob and feed it to your bearded dragon in little pieces. It will be simpler for them to eat and digest as a result.
To produce a balanced meal that is nutritious, you may also combine corn with other vegetables. Remember that bearded dragons shouldn’t be fed canned corn since it frequently contains extra salt and preservatives that might hurt them.
Can Beardies Eat Broccoli?
No. Although broccoli may be eaten by bearded dragons, it is not the healthiest vegetable for them. Goitrogens, which can disrupt thyroid hormone production and impair metabolism, are present in broccoli.
In addition, broccoli’s high fiber content might be challenging for bearded dragons to digest, which could result in digestive problems. If you do decide to give your bearded dragon broccoli, only a tiny amount of it should be included in a diet that includes other foods.
Better alternatives for supplying the essential nutrients for a healthy bearded dragon include other leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits. To avoid choking and make the broccoli simpler for your beardie to consume, slice the broccoli into small, bite-sized pieces.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raw Potato?
No. Feeding raw potatoes to bearded dragons is not advised. Solanine, a substance found in raw potatoes, can be hazardous to bearded dragons if ingested in excessive quantities. Solanine intoxication can cause:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- weakness
- in extreme circumstances, death
Vegetables should generally not be given to bearded dragons raw or undercooked. Bearded dragons may have trouble digesting raw veggies, and they might not be able to acquire all the nutrients they need from them.
Vegetables should be fed to your bearded dragon cooked, as this can help break down the vegetable’s cell walls and make the nutrients more palatable.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spring Mix?
Yes. Spring mix, a mixture of various leafy greens including lettuce, spinach, and arugula, is suitable for bearded dragons. Given that it offers a range of minerals and fiber, spring mix is a fantastic addition to their diet.
Spring mix shouldn’t make up the majority of their diet since it has high quantities of oxalates, which can bind to calcium and inhibit its absorption, and low levels of calcium.
As a result, serve spring mix together with other leafy greens that are lower in oxalates and higher in calcium. In order to get rid of any pesticides or dangerous chemicals, be sure to properly wash the spring mix before feeding it to your beardie.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Kale?
Yes. Although kale is a vegetable with a lot of nutrients, it is not suggested that bearded dragons eat it every day. Here are some things to think about:
- High quantities of oxalates in kale can bind to calcium and hinder absorption rates.
- If consumed in excess, this can result in metabolic bone disease.
- Consuming too much kale might result in digestive issues including bloating and diarrhea.
It is advised to provide bearded dragons with a variety of leafy greens on a regular basis. Bearded dragons may also be given collard greens, mustard, turnip, and dandelion greens, among other leafy vegetables.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?
Yes. In moderation, bearded dragons may celery. Celery is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable that bearded dragons may benefit from in terms of nutrition. Celery should only be given to pet reptiles as a treat and not as a significant component of their diet.
Celery is full of water, vitamins, and nutrients like potassium and vitamin K that are good for a bearded dragon’s general health. Due to its high water content and poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, celery shouldn’t be offered to bearded dragons as a main meal.
Serve celery as a treat in modest amounts, sliced into bite-sized pieces and combined with other fruits or vegetables.
Can Beardies Eat Cucumber?
Yes. Cucumbers are safe for bearded dragons to eat. They can get enough water from cucumber, which also has important vitamins and minerals. However, it shouldn’t make up the majority of their diet and should only be provided occasionally.
When giving cucumber to your bearded dragon, remember the following 5 tips:
- To avoid choking, cut the cucumber into bite-sized pieces.
- Before feeding, properly wash the cucumber to get rid of any pesticides or chemicals.
- Don’t feed your bearded dragon only cucumbers. It ought to be a component of a healthy, balanced diet.
- If you want to be sure that your bearded dragon is getting all the nutrition they require, think about supplementing their food with calcium and vitamins.
- Introduce cucumber gradually, as you would with any new food, and keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s behavior and wellbeing.
My bearded dragon is the most picky eater I’ve ever seen. He enjoys eating vegetables, but he flat-out won’t eat spinach. He eats practically everything else I put in front of him, so I didn’t get it.
I made the decision to do a little experiment one day. I filled his enclosure with a dish of greens, hiding the spinach behind the other vegetables. He ate everything as predicted, save the spinach. He even went so far as to use his tongue to choose the spinach leaves and push them to the edge of the dish.
I suppose I’ll have to face the fact that he doesn’t really like spinach as a food. Funny how even animals have individual tastes.
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