Why Are Bearded Dragons So Friendly & Calm? {How You Can Help}

Bearded dragons have a remarkable tendency to warm up to human companions compared to many other reptiles.

Why are bearded dragons so friendly and calm?

This article will help explain their docile and relaxed demeanor and how you can encourage it.

Why Are Bearded Dragons So Friendly & Calm?

Bearded dragons can adapt to captive living when they are set up in enclosures with comfortable temperature, humidity and plenty of nourishing meals.

Giving them space to explore, climb, dig and hide allows your bearded dragon to build a level of relaxation where their calm and friendly behavior shines.

Now your beardies can:

  • Be more receptive to you
  • Get to know you
  • Recognize your voice and scent
  • Act Docile
  • Socialize with you
  • Cuddle up

This is what makes them great pets to have in your home if you can create a loving and tranquil atmosphere and surrounding environment.

How Is My Bearded Dragon So Chill?

Your bearded dragon is naturally adapted to staying out of the way and surviving for millions of years.

They are not aggressive to the point where they are looking to instigate fights with other species, but they are highly territorial with their own kind.

1. Solo Comfort

If a bearded dragon has no reason to defend their territory with another counterpart, they can relax and warm up to their enclosure.

They will not have to be alert for possible threats and will not need to search or stress about hunger and capturing meals.

2. Brumation

Sometimes you will notice your bearded dragon acting much more lethargic than usual. This could be over the coldest winter months where brumation may occur.

They may:

  • rest
  • hide
  • not eat or drink much
  • relax in cool spots
  • sleep often

This is time for your chilled out beardie to recharge and hibernate in their own way without wishing to be bothered.

Which Bearded Dragon Is the Friendliest?

In my experience, it is not the breed or specific species that fully indicates which bearded dragon or other pets make them the friendliest.

Friendliness can be learned and exemplified as a result or reaction from a calm, conducive environment.

The common species of bearded dragon that produces great expectations for the purpose of enjoying a calm and friendly reptile is:

  • The Pogona Vitticeps
  • Central Bearded Dragon
  • Inland bearded dragon

These three names refer to the same species. Eastern and central Australia’s dry to semiarid areas are home to a variety of agamid lizard species, including the inland bearded dragon.

When fully grown, this bearded dragon may reach a length of 24 inches.

Can I Show Love to My Bearded Dragon?

Yes. Be aware that this reptile cannot respond emotionally to you in the way dogs and cats might. That isn’t to say that bearded dragons do not have emotions. They can still cuddle up with you.

I recommend keeping your hands clean to not transfer any bacteria during this time. Handle and enjoy your bearded dragon that trusts you after a few weeks of adjusting to your home.

They may sit on your lap and accept being picked. Do not:

  • Pick them up by the tail
  • Kiss them
  • Eat together

Bearded dragons are not social by nature. This is a territorial reptile that adapts well to captivity and can form a bond with human companions more than many other reptiles.

What Should Bearded Dragons Do During the Day?

Bearded dragons are not active at night like some lizards. I had a leopard gecko for a while as she was given to me by a friend for a year.

This gecko was not social and enjoyed being active more at night while I slept. My bearded dragon is the opposite. This is a diurnal reptile that can spend the day:

  • Climbing branches
  • Basking in the sun
  • Burrowing or digging
  • Exploring the room
  • Sitting on my lap
  • Eating live critters, veggies and fruits
  • Staking out territory

A bearded dragon will spend more time being docile, calm and friendly when they are not in threat of giving up any of their territory to another animal or their own species.

YouTube video

Why Bearded Dragons Are So Nice?

Bearded dragons have a naturally calm temperament. They realize their diminutive size in the wild and know that their better method of survival is to:

  • stay out of the way
  • not disturb larger predators
  • not let their curiosity get them into trouble

They are only concerned with claiming and defending territory while capturing smaller insects. The older a bearded dragon gets, the more calm they usually get.

My bearded dragon is no exeption. He was rambunctious and hesitant about me at first when he was a juvenile. He climbed, darted, hissed and hid more often.

Now he greets me, climbs aboard my shoulder and we spend more time together. I believe that if you are nice, friendly, calm and relaxed, your pet may follow your lead and respond similarly.

Are Bearded Dragons Friendly to Humans?

Yes. Bearded dragons are not used to living with their own species. They are highly territorial and when they see you as no possible threat, they warm up to you.

You provide the food and establish their territory. You don’t encroach on it, limit their movement and you allow them spaces to bask and rest.

This reptile will naturally allow you to handle them with time. Establish routines and receive excitement when they greet you at the front of the enclosure when you arrive in the room

Some bearded dragons are even friendlier and enjoy being cuddled or spending time on your lap.

How Young Bearded Dragons Are Not Calm

Younger bearded dragons are more of a challenge when they:

  • Hide more often
  • Act jittery
  • Display nervousness
  • Hiss
  • Puff up their neck
  • Change their neck color to black

These reactions change when routines allow them to expect comfort, company and food from you with plenty of territory to call their own.

How To Socialize a Bearded Dragon

Remember that this reptile is not social to their counterparts. That doesn’t mean that they cannot be social with you.

Let’s set up the scene and do what it takes to allow our beardies to be more social with us

You will need to provide:

  • Bedding/Substrate
  • UVA and UVB lighting
  • Temperature and humidity control
  • Worms , roaches, crickets, leafy greens
  • Careful, slow controlled handling
  • Consistent routines

Bearded Dragon Bites

You may get some nips and bites at first. Thankfully the bite of a bearded dragon doesn’t cut deep or cause bleeding in most cases.

Wear gloves at first and other thick long sleeves. You are the trainer, teacher and caregiver. In time you will be the best friend and social companion to a relaxed bearded dragon.

How to Keep Calm Bearded Dragons

If you bearded dragon doesn’t seem relaxed, you can try some of the following tips:

  • Give them a live cricket to chase and capture
  • Take them out of their enclosure and let them walk around in a supervised space
  • Give them a bath for 20 minutes in 85°F water
  • Reduce lighting
  • Lower volumes
  • Stroke her or his head

The natural temperament of a bearded dragon tends to lean more towards docile, calm and relaxed.

Some beardies will act more aggressive, but changes made by you to refresh their routines and physical surroundings might cause their composure to calm down and trust you in this comfortable home.

Are All Bearded Dragons Calm?

No. The upbringing and surroundings of a bearded dragon may determine if they end up being calm adults or aggressive.

The overall demeanor you may witness from a younger beardie will change as they age. Some bearded dragons will not appreciate their enclosure, act aggressive and annoyed.

Here are some ways to reduce their rage and frustration:

  1. Feed them regularly at the same time to reduce hunger.
  2. Reduce fear by limiting noise, giving them space with less foot traffic around them.
  3. Handle them from the front and not from the tail or where they cant see you.
  4. Give them a warm bath.
  5. Be patience with the acclimation and adjusting phase that could last weeks.
  6. Intersect together daily for up to an hour.
  7. Give them space to hide, bask, cool down and dig.

Are Bearded Dragons Calm With Each Other?

No. Just because you have a clam bearded dragon doesn’t mean you should get another. Things may rapidly change.

These are highly territorial creatures and usually do not take well to sharing their space. If they grow up with their counterparts, they may have a better chance of cohabitating peacefully.

Bearded dragons fight, hiss, and defend their territory to the death in some cases. They may also fight for the right to mate or for food.

Are Bearded Dragons Good For Children?

Yes, but you need to help. Instruct children how to handle a reptile carefully. Make sure the movements are controlled, calm and gentle.

Never pick them up by their tail or from behind. If a bearded dragon starts to hiss, puffs up or turns darker around their necks, let children know that they need to back off for now.

Overall once a bearded dragon becomes a welcome and adjusted member of your family, children will get used to them as much as they will get used to kids they trust and recognize.

Can You Stroke or Pet a Bearded Dragon?

Yes. Pet parents will readily acknowledge that cuddling with their closest friends is their favorite activity. Then, is it possible to pet or cuddle a bearded dragon?

The majority of bearded dragons enjoy being petted. Depending on their disposition, they permit it. So follow your dragon’s lead.

Some bearded dragons enjoy being held and petted. They could even come running your way. Avoid tightening your grip on your bearded dragon. They are creatures who want to be handled slowly.

Final Thoughts

Simply told, the majority of bearded dragons are pleasant and calm. If you know the tricks mentioned in this article, you can control and allow them to relax.

Respect your bearded dragon’s personal space and give them time to acclimate. You will soon enjoy their docile nature and we hope the experience is friendly, fun and rewarding for everyone.


Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way. 


My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.