Guinea Pig Essentials: The Complete List
16 Reasons Why Guinea Pigs Make Great Pets
How Do I Know If My Guinea Pig Is Happy?
Did you notice your budgie bobbing its tail up and down? Are you afraid it is a way the budgie passes the message that it is in pain or suffering? Ease yourself of the worries as this article is...
None of my guinea pigs have red eyes, but I have been asked why do guinea pigs have red eyes many times. I needed to put together the best possible explanation in an article for them and for all...
Anoles are arboreal and live most of their lives high up on trees. Some anoles do not climb much in captivity. I'm wondering can anoles climb glass, walls, plastic? What makes it easy for anoles...
With my one and only green anole, I wonder if loneliness is experienced. There must be ways to help decrease loneliness or enrich their lives without needing to add more anoles. Do anoles get...
Are anoles supposed to move around quickly or stay motionless throughout the day? Why is my green anole not moving? Is it because this is a new pet in my home and it isn't adjusted to this life...
There are many ways anoles can reach the end of their lives. It could be partially our fault when we aren't aware of their needs in captivity. Sometimes, it's an illness or accident. Anoles in the...