There are many ways anoles can reach the end of their lives. It could be partially our fault when we aren’t aware of their needs in captivity.
Sometimes, it’s an illness or accident. Anoles in the wild have their own set of risk factors.
I didn’t see a good article on this subject and I felt the need to create one to help explain 6 signs my anole is dying and how we can can prevent or comfort them during this time.
6 Signs My Anole Is Dying
In order to preserve your anole’s life or if you fear it is dying, observe the warning indicators listed below:
- Lack of Appetite
- Lethargy
- Rapid weight loss
- Skin Discoloration
- Labored Breathing
- Abnormal Behavior
- If your anole is not eating or displaying any interest in food, this might indicate a medical condition. Another typical symptom of a sick or dying anole is lethargy, or a lack of energy or activity.
- Rapid weight loss in your anole might be an indication of a serious disease or infection. If the skin of your anole seems discolored or patchy, a bacterial or fungal infection may be the cause.
- Trouble breathing or is gasping for air, may indicate a severe illness such as a respiratory infection. An anole convulsing, twitching, or having seizures may be an indication of a neurological condition.
How Do You Know if Anoles Are Stressed?
Anoles can exhibit a number of stress-related behaviors including:
1. Changes in color
Stress is one of several factors that can cause anoles to alter their color. Anoles may show signs of stress if their normal color changes and becomes darker or lighter than usual.
2. Reduced appetite
When an anole is stressed, they may stop eating and have a loss of appetite. Weight loss and other health issues may result from this.
3. Lethargy or aggression
Depending on the personality of the Anole, stress can make them either aggressive or sluggish. An Anole who is typically outgoing and energetic can start to withdraw, whereas an Anole who is often tranquil and quiet might start acting aggressively.
4. Hiding
When stressed, anoles may attempt to withdraw within their cage. They could also stay longer than normal in their hiding locations.
Anoles may quiver their tails in response to stress or anxiety. This is a typical habit that many different kinds of lizards exhibit.
What Kills Anoles?
Anoles are tiny lizards that inhabit a variety of environments, including:
- grasslands
- woodlands
- cities
The following are some typical causes of anole death:
1. Predators
A wide range of predators, including snakes, birds, and other reptiles, hunt anoles.
2. Extreme weather
Because anoles are cold-blooded ectothermic species, they must obtain heat from outside sources to maintain a comfortable body temperature. Anoles can die from severe conditions, such as intense heat or cold.
3. Poison
Anoles can become poisoned by consuming poisonous chemicals like insecticides and herbicides.
4. Competition
Other anoles and other lizard species can compete with anoles for food, housing, and other resources. This leads to fights, lack of shelter or starvation.
5. Habitat loss
Due to human activities like deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture, their natural habitat is being destroyed. This might result in a decline in their number and, in the worst situations, their extinction.
6. Disease
Anoles can contract a number of parasitic infections and illnesses, which can impair their immune systems and cause death.

Can Anoles Get Sick?
Yes. Respiratory infections, parasite infections, skin infections, and metabolic bone disease are a few of the prevalent diseases that affect anoles.
- Wheezing, coughing, and open-mouth breathing are just a few of the signs of respiratory illnesses in anoles that can be brought on by bacterial, fungal, or viral diseases.
- Weight loss, fatigue, changes in feces or skin color, and other symptoms of parasitic infections might vary depending on the kind of parasite present.
- Anoles may have symptoms including swelling, lesions, and skin redness due to bacterial or fungal skin diseases.
- Anoles’ metabolic bone disease is brought on by dietary deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D. Weakness, sluggishness, and skeletal abnormalities are examples of symptoms.
To stop these ailments from happening, it’s critical to provide anoles the right nourishment and care. A veterinarian with expertise in reptile care should be consulted if you feel your anole is ill.
How Long Do Anoles Last?
Anoles live in the wild for three to five years on average. However, they may survive up to 8 years or more in captivity with the right care.
Anoles’ lifetime can vary based on a number of variables, including:
- genetics
- nutrition
- environment
- general health
Their longevity may be extended with proper care, which includes offering a balanced meal and an appropriate environment.
How to Save a Lizard When It Is Dying
There are a few things you may do to try to preserve the life of a lizard if you encounter one that looks to be dying. Is it ill or injured? Is it parched? Is the weather too hot or cold?
- If the lizard is in immediate danger, relocate it to a safe area.
- Give the lizard a few drops of water using a dropper to hydrate it. Avoid forcing water into the lizard’s mouth since doing so might lead to aspiration.
- Warm the lizard up by wrapping it in a soft towel and setting a heating pad to low or medium heat if it is chilly. Make sure the lizard has the ability to escape the heat if it becomes too hot.
- Take the lizard to a veterinarian or a wildlife rehabilitation facility as soon as you can if it has been seriously hurt or seems extremely ill.
Lizard Dying Symptoms
A lizard’s precise symptoms at death may change. However, the following are a few typical indications of an ill or dying lizard:
- Lethargy: A dying lizard may look drowsy, frail, and unresponsive. It’s possible that they sleep or rest more than normal.
- Loss of Appetite: A dying lizard may stop eating and lose interest in its diet. This may result in quick weight reduction.
- Breathing Issues: Serious respiratory issues in a lizard might be indicated by difficulty breathing, gasping for air, wheezing, or other aberrant breathing patterns.
- Skin discoloration: Dying lizards’ skin may seem discolored or spotty. This could be brought on by skin problems or a lack of pigmentation.
- Stiffness: A dying lizard’s limbs and tail may get straightened out and it may become stiff or immovable.
- Seizures: As their lives draw to a close, certain lizards may undergo seizures or convulsions.
What Are Some Anole Diseases?
Several anole illnesses include:
1. MBD
Due to a deficiency in calcium or vitamin D3 in their diet, anoles who have metabolic bone disease experience weak and brittle bones.
2. Infections
Anoles are susceptible to respiratory infections that can be brought on by bacteria or fungus and produce symptoms including wheezing, breathing difficulties, and excessive mucus.
3. Parasites
Numerous parasites, including as mites, ticks, and internal parasites like roundworms or tapeworms, can afflict anoles.
4. Mouth Rot
A bacterial illness that affects the mouth and has been linked to tooth decay and gum disease in anoles.
5. Egg-Binding
Female anoles may have trouble producing eggs, which might result in a condition that could be fatal.
Anoles may be kept healthy and have a lower chance of illness by maintaining a clean environment. It is preferable to visit a veterinarian that specializes in reptiles if you think your anole could be ill.
What Color Are Green Anoles When They Die?
Depending on the reason of death, the state of decomposition, and the surrounding environment, green anoles’ coloring may vary after they pass away.
Initially, as the skin loses moisture and flexibility, their color may seem faded or dull. As decomposition advances, the hue may gradually deepen or possibly turn black.
Green anoles are normally brilliant green when living, but depending on their attitude, environment, and other variables, they can also turn brown or gray.
How to Comfort a Dying Anole?
The ideal technique to soothe a dying anole will depend on the circumstance, hence there is no universal solution to this problem.
By taking your Anole to the doctor and beginning therapy, you might be able to soothe them if they have an ailment that can be cured.
The best you can do for a wounded or terminally ill Anole is to provide for their comfort. This might be giving them a comfortable place to relax, giving it food and drink, or just spending time with them.
In the end, giving a dying anole the attention and compassion they require at this trying time is the greatest way to console them.
Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.