Do Anoles Get Lonely? {Tank Setup & Possible Tankmates}

With my one and only green anole, I wonder if loneliness is experienced. There must be ways to help decrease loneliness or enrich their lives without needing to add more anoles.

Do anoles get lonely? How many of them can I keep together? This article will map out tank setup, size and possible tankmates for anoles if you wish to provide them more company or enrichment.

Do Anoles Get Lonely?

Not usually. Anoles are not social creatures and do not need other reptiles to survive. They do not experience loneliness in the same way that social animals like dogs or primates may.

Anoles can interact with other anoles in their area or during the mating season, proving that they are not entirely lonely animals. If they see other anoles as a danger, they may also act aggressively toward them.

Anoles may benefit from some amount of social stimulation and engagement with other anoles even if they do not require social connection to survive or be healthy overall.

Can Anoles Live Alone?

Yes. Anoles may coexist happily in groups, but they survive just fine by themselves in a proper habitat with lots of:

  • hiding spots
  • climbing structures
  • environmental enrichment

Some anoles could really prefer to live alone and might become anxious or hostile if kept among other anoles.

Give your pet regular attention, providing a variety of foods and treats, and setting up an atmosphere that is engaging for exploration.

How Many Anoles Can Live Together?

The number of anoles that may coexist depends on a variety of variables, including:

  • the size of the enclosure
  • the anole species
  • the anole species’ gender
  1. More than one male anole should not be kept in the same cage since they may grow hostile to one another.
  2. It is feasible to house many female anoles together. Two female anoles might live nicely in a 20-gallon container.
  3. A decent rule of thumb is to allow each anole at least 10 liters of cage space.
  4. Make sure they have enough room and resources (such as food and hiding places) to survive. Stress, aggressiveness, and other health issues can result from overcrowding.
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Green Anole Tank Setup

A green anole tank layout should resemble the habitat that these arboreal lizards would inhabit in the wild.  One green anole should have a tank that is at least 10 gallons in size. However, a larger tank is preferable.

1. Heating and lighting

For at least 12 hours each day, green anoles must have access to UVB and UVA lights. An area for basking should include a heat source to keep the temperature between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit at night and 80 to 85 degrees during the day.

2. Substrate

It is advised to choose a substrate that both keeps moisture in the soil and is secure for anoles. You may use sphagnum moss or coconut coir as well

3. Climbing space

Green anoles require a lot of climbing space. Put plants, branches, and vines in the tank. Live plants may assist manage humidity levels in addition to offering shade and climbing possibilities.

4. Water

Set out a small dish of water for soaking and drinking. Every day, mist the tank to maintain the desired humidity.

5. Diet

Because green anoles are insectivores, they should be fed a range of insects of various sizes, such as waxworms, mealworms, and crickets. Before eating, the insects are dusted with a calcium supplement.

6. Cleaning

Regularly clean the tank and get rid of any insects you haven’t eaten. Every few months, sanitize the tank and replace the substrate.

Green Anole Tank Mates

Green anoles may be maintained in a terrarium alone, but they can also be kept with certain tankmates if they get along. Potential tankmates for green anoles include the following:

  • Frogs that are small and don’t bite, like the gray tree frog or the American green tree frog.
  • Geckos that are small and don’t bite, such the mourning gecko or the Mediterranean house gecko.
  • Birds that eat insects, such house sparrows or the zebra finch.
  • Fish that are little and don’t bite, like endlers or guppies.

Any tankmates must be peaceful and should not be hostile toward the green anole. The tank should also be sufficiently large to comfortably fit all occupants and offer each species the proper hiding places and basking regions.

Is A 10 Gallon Anole Tank Big Enough?

Yes. A 10-gallon tank is a minimum size for one Anole, but it is better to go for a larger tank if you can afford it. The more space you can provide for your Anole, the happier and healthier it will be.

Provide plenty of hiding spots and climbing opportunities for your Anole. You can use plants, branches, and rocks to create a natural-looking environment. Avoid using any artificial decorations that may be harmful to your pet.


There isn’t enough proof to say with certainty that anoles experience loneliness in the same way as people do. Anoles are solitary creatures that can survive in their natural environment without the need for social interaction.

Anoles may display stress-related behaviors when housed alone in captivity, including lower activity levels and reduced food, according to certain research.

To minimize boredom and guarantee the physical and mental wellbeing of anoles, it is advised that they be given access to suitable environmental enrichment and stimulation.


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My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.