My iguana hates my dog. Thankfully, it’s vice versa. What are iguanas afraid of?
Are you trying to prevent them from feeling fear and stress or wish to keep them away from places where they should not be?
In this article, we will explore the sights, sounds and much more regarding what iguanas are afraid of.
What Are Iguanas Afraid Of?
Iguanas are not fearsome predators. They enjoy a peaceful existence as herbivores on the lookout for foliage, flowers, fruits and vegetables.
They could be afraid of the following:
- Loud noises
- Spraying water
- Light reflecting of hanging CDs or flashlights
- Motion sensor lights or motion sensor sprinklers
- Dogs
- Cats
- Birds of prey
- Humans
- Large vehicles
- Fast movements
- Reptile repellents
The task at hand is to create safe zones for iguanas to enjoy as their territory and set up clear boundaries to prevent them from entering other areas where they should not explore.
A lack of food or dehydration will also incite fear in an iguana over time. Allow me to explain that in this article.
What Sounds Scare Iguanas?
Iguanas are startled easily by foreign and unfamiliar sounds. My iguana hates it when I turn the volume up on my speakers, computer or TV.
Sudden bangs or accidents when an item in the house falls or glass shattered brings up stress levels in him.
He looks off at a distance or tries to retreat to the farthest end of his enclosure to show his distaste. Iguanas are scared of the following sounds:
- Loud noises
- High volumes
- Shattering glass
- Two pots banging together
- Bird of prey sounds from owls or hawks
- Barking, growling
- Screaming, screeching
- Loud vehicles
- Deep bass
Iguanas do not wish to live in an area that is surrounded by loud or sudden noises that are hard to get used to.
This is a relatively peaceful animal and would rather escape to a quiet spot in an elevated area to get away from many sounds that are annoying, threatening or unsettling.
Are Iguanas Afraid of Dogs?
Yes and no. It depends on the size and demeanor of the dog.
Canine are not known to be predators of iguanas, but human settlement patterns over the past few centuries have brought these animals closer together than ever before in their history.
We have a dog that keeps her distance from our iguana. She wants nothing to do with our reptile companion. She pees. Find out more on iguana pee located here.
Sometimes we have visitors who bring their dog that darts directly in the direction of our iguana and causes stress for all of us.
- Iguanas are generally unfamiliar with dogs in their native habitat. This has changed over the past 2-3 centuries.
- Dogs have been introduced to islands that iguanas occupy.
- Dogs help humans to find prey and protect territory. They will sniff out iguanas and chase them away.
- Iguanas are aware that many dogs can overpower them. They are mostly unsettled by the sound of barking that dogs utilize to scare away any possible threats.

Do Wind Chimes Scare Iguanas?
You can try it, but it doesn’t work for us. We tried using wind chimes in the front of our house to discourage our iguana from wishing to step forward into this territory.
We like him at the back of the home with access to the backyard at times when we supervise. The wind chimes did nothing to thwart his plans of crawling over to the front door.
He isn’t bothered by the tranquil and calming sounds that wind chimes make. I believe that louder sounds sway him from going towards areas that are more uncomfortable.
Speakers or road traffic bother iguanas more.
Bonus Tip:
- Hanging CDs or light reflecting objects can confuse iguanas and make them go the other direction.
- Some people notice that the light reflecting off wind chimes or CDs hanging from areas such as doorways keep iguanas away.
What Are Iguanas Attracted To?
Iguanas love finding their favorite food sources around your property or neighborhood. They are looking for:
- Foliage
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Insects (do iguanas eat bugs? – More on that here.)
Iguanas can damage gardens and dig into:
- Sidewalks
- Foundations
- Seawalls
- Canal banks
It is important to keep iguanas away from areas that are susceptible to damage. There are reptile repellents or bothersome odors including citrus scents that iguanas would keep away from.
Iguana Repellents
Safe ingredients make up reptile repellents designed to scare or bother them instead of hurting them They can consist of predator urine or citrus scents.
You can also create your own iguana repellents and spray these in areas to keep them away.
Natural Repellent Spray
- Garlic Juice
- Neem oil
- Spray Bottle
We like to use garlic with neem oil around the front yard to keep our iguana away from this potentially dangerous location.
He is curious and would like to explore the sidewalk or road in front of the house and this could lead to potential accidents or harm to our reptile or people and places.
Reptile Repellent Granules
This spray in a bottle is one option, but you can also use special granules that you scatter to act as repellents. You can spray on top of the granules for an added touch.
Not only will you prevent iguanas from entering these locations you want to keep them away from, you will also protect the safety of area that should not be dug such as:
- Sea walls
- Foundation
- Beams
- Sidewalks
There are also sound repellents that do not work as well as scent repellent in our opinion.
You will have to see what your local exotic pet shop or online retailers are carrying for these purposes of preventing reptile such as iguanas from entering or exploring prohibited locations
How To Keep Iguanas Away
Iguana may try to enter your property if you live in hotspots such as tropical suburban centers in Florida for example.
They dig, damage and scare many residents. Iguanas are invited when they see foliage and overgrown plants in your neighborhood.
Keep iguanas away by doing some of the following:
- Landscaping. Keep your plants and foliage trimmed and low.
- Reduce hiding spots around your property (clutter, rock piles, wood)
- Do not plant hibiscus or vegetables without a greenhouse or wired cafes around it
- Make sure wire netting is deep into the ground to prevent digging under it
- Wrap metal sheet guard around tree bark to prevent climbing
- Cut down dead or hollow trees and bushes
- Use motion sensor sprinklers (iguana hate water)
- Spray the area around an iguana with a garden hose when you see them going somewhere they shouldn’t.
- Remove any fallen fruit off trees.
- Pick low hanging fruit
- Do not leave leftover food from a night of outdoor eating
- Keep pet food bowls away from curious reptiles
- Cover trash lids
These tips also help anyone who cares for iguanas as a pet. You would like to create a zone that is safe and comfortable for your pet to call their territory.
If you wish to discourage them from exploring, damaging or causing any possible harm, then following some of these suggestions above will help.
How Do You Lure An Iguana Out of Hiding?
If an iguana is hiding and you have spotted them, you might need to find a way to lure them out. The best method by far is using food they love.
Iguanas enjoy:
- Avocados
- Berries
- Leafy greens
- Vegetables
- Flowers
You can set up a basket with some thin leaves, veggies, flowers and fruit. Do not use citrus because iguanas do not enjoy it. Leave this basket or tray near the area they are hiding.
The flowers are an added touch because of their colors and scent that attracts iguanas. If you want to make sure the iguana is safe, you can place this lure inside a cage.
Once the iguana enters to see that there is an assortment of treats available for them, you can secure the door of this cage and bring them back inside or call related authorities to help you if this is a wild iguana.
Some cages close automatically and help you keep your distance. Iguanas do not attack as much as they would like to respect or get away. They can do some damage with their claws, tail or serrated teeth, but they generally avoid contact and alterations.
Iguanas are fearsome and generally shy from interaction with other animals or humans. They have no need to poke around when they are more concerned about finding foliage and shelter.
These herbivores will keep their distance and setter clear of possible predators, foul odors, spraying water and bright lights.
We hope the tips in this article will help keep your pet iguana safe or assist you to keep wild iguanas from entering your property.
Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.