Don’t let the name of these worms fool you. Superworms for bearded dragon are not some magical dietary food that makes up the bulk of their diet.
Balance is key and this article will help break that down for you. Let’s get right into it and find out everything there is to know about superworms.
Superworms for Bearded Dragon
Superworms are a popular choice for feeding bearded dragons since they are an excellent source of protein and fat. A diversified diet of insects, veggies, and fruits is required to give your pet all the nutrients they require.
Superworms can be gut-loaded with healthy food before being fed and the size of the worms should be appropriate for the size and age of your bearded dragon.
Superworms should be introduced to your bearded dragon’s diet gradually and you should keep an eye on their behavior and health to make sure they are accepting the new meal well.
How Many Superworms to Feed a Bearded Dragon
The number of superworms to feed a bearded dragon can vary depending on the size, age, and individual appetite of the dragon. It’s important to consider the nutritional needs and balance of their diet when feeding superworms or any other feeder insects.
As a general guideline, for adult bearded dragons, superworms can be offered as part of a varied diet along with other feeder insects, leafy greens, and vegetables.
It is recommended to feed adult bearded dragons a diet consisting of about 80% plant matter (greens, vegetables, and fruits) and 20% animal protein (feeder insects).
When feeding superworms, you can start by offering them a few times a week. The number of superworms per feeding can depend on the size of the dragon and the size of the superworms.
For adult bearded dragons, you can start with around 4-6 superworms per feeding, adjusting the quantity based on their individual appetite and dietary needs.
It’s important to ensure that the superworms are an appropriate size for your bearded dragon. The length of the superworms should be smaller than the space between the bearded dragon’s eyes to minimize the risk of choking or digestive issues.
Remember to gut-load and dust the superworms with calcium and vitamin supplements before feeding them to your bearded dragon to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients.
For juvenile or baby bearded dragons, the feeding routine may differ, and it’s essential to provide appropriately sized prey items and a diet that supports their growth and development.
How Many Superworms Should a Bearded Dragon Eat a Day?
A bearded dragon’s age, size, and general health all affect how many superworms it needs to consume each day.
- Adult bearded dragons can be fed up to three times per week, 3-5 superworms per meal
- Young bearded dragons can receive up to two superworms per feeding,
Superworms shouldn’t make up a bearded dragon’s whole diet. A variety of insects, vegetables, and fruits must be consumed. Always keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s health and weight.
Are Superworms Better Than Mealworms for Bearded Dragons?
No. A bearded dragon can eat both superworms and mealworms, although there are notable distinctions between the two.
- Superworms are a better option for older bearded dragons or those who need to put on weight since they contain more protein and fat than mealworms.
- Mealworms, on the other hand, can be a wonderful alternative for young bearded dragons or those who are prone to obesity as they are also a strong source of protein.
A bearded dragon’s diet shouldn’t consist only of mealworms or superworms.
Are Superworms Better Than Crickets for Bearded Dragons?
No. A bearded dragon’s diet can benefit from both superworms and crickets. Superworms are more fatty than crickets, thus bearded dragons who need to put on weight or who need a higher fat diet may find them to be an excellent option.
Because to their high moisture content and high protein and fiber content, crickets can serve as a useful source of hydration.
A bearded dragon can only obtain all the nutrients it requires through a diversified diet of insects, vegetables, and fruits. When deciding between superworms and crickets, take your bearded dragon’s age, size, and general health into account.

Can I Give My Bearded Dragon Superworms Everyday?
No. Superworms shouldn’t be the only thing your bearded dragon eats, therefore it’s not a good idea to feed it to them every day.
- Superworms are abundant in protein and fat, but they are deficient in other essential components that your bearded dragon needs.
- Feeding superworms on a daily basis might result in obesity or digestive disorders, both of which can have negative health effects.
Superworms may generally be fed to adult bearded dragons up to three times per week, while young bearded dragons can be fed daily with moderation.
Do Superworms Need to Be Refrigerated?
No. Although superworms don’t require refrigeration, it is still important to keep them correctly to preserve their quality and durability.
Superworms can be kept in a plastic bag with ventilation holes or a plastic container. Keep them out of direct sunshine, high humidity, and severe temperatures in a cool, dry environment.
To keep superworms hydrated and healthy, you may also give them a source of moisture, like a slice of potato, carrot, or apple.
To prevent the formation of germs or mold, take care to discard any uneaten food after a few hours. Sort through the superworms to get rid of those that are dead or injured as they might harm the colony’s general health.
Do Superworm Bites Hurt?
Superworm bites can cause little discomfort for people, although they usually do not hurt or hurt very much.
Superworm bites, however, can be harmful to bearded dragons if the superworm is too big or inappropriately sized for the dragon to digest.
Superworms have mandibles that can injure a bearded dragon internally and obstruct its digestive tract, both of which are dangerous health risks. Because of this, make sure the superworm is the right size for your dragon to safely eat.
Can Superworms Kill a Bearded Dragon?
As a bearded dragon owner, I know that superworms are generally safe for me to feed my pet. However, I always make sure to feed them properly to avoid any risk of choking or digestive issues.
I make sure that I feed my bearded dragon appropriately sized superworms and give them in moderation as part of a varied diet that includes other insects, vegetables, and fruits.
I need to be aware that feeding my pet superworms may pose a risk. This is because superworms have a hard exoskeleton that can be tough for them to digest, especially if they eat them in large quantities or too often.
This can lead to impaction or digestive issues, which can be fatal if not addressed promptly. To avoid this, I make sure to feed appropriately sized superworms and gut-load them with nutritious food before feeding them to my bearded dragon.
Breeding Superworms for Bearded Dragons
A practical and affordable approach to provide your bearded dragon a wholesome food supply is by breeding superworms.
1. Create a breeding container
You can use a bigger plastic bin or a plastic container with ventilation holes. Incorporate a substrate, such oats, wheat bran, or coconut fiber, and provide the beetles a place to hide where they may lay their eggs.
2. Add Superworms
Begin with a few hundred superworms and wait a few weeks for them to reach adulthood before putting them in the breeding container.
3. Feed and care for the superworms
Give the superworms a source of food and water, like pieces of potato or carrot. Make careful to frequently check the container for dead or injured worms and remove them.
4. Gather the beetles
The superworms will begin to pupate and change into darkling beetles a few weeks after that. Gather the beetles and transfer them to a different container with an egg-laying substrate.
5. Gather the eggs
The beetles will deposit their eggs in the substrate after a few days. Gather the eggs and move them to a different container filled with new substrate.
6. Raise the larvae
After a few weeks, the eggs will hatch into larvae. Slices of potato or carrot may be used to feed them, and you can watch them develop until they become superworms.
For a satisfying and economical approach to provide your bearded dragon a nutrient-rich food source, consider breeding superworms.
Superworms for Juvenile Bearded Dragons
Superworms may be a good food source for young bearded dragons, but you must use caution and make sure they are the right size for your dragon.
- The superworm’s size shouldn’t be larger than the space between a bearded dragon’s eyes.
Superworms are a wonderful source of both the protein and calcium that young bearded dragons need in their diet. Include more insects in their diet, such as:
- leafy greens
- vegetables
- crickets
- dubia roaches
- mealworms
Keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s behavior and general health to make sure they are correctly digesting their food and aren’t having any problems like impaction.
Mealworms vs Superworms for Bearded Dragons
There are a few things I take into account while deciding between mealworms and superworms for my bearded dragon.
Mealworms are simpler for my bearded dragon to eat than superworms since they are smaller and have a softer shell.
Mealworms may not offer a comprehensive nutritional profile since, as far as I can tell, they contain less protein and calcium than superworms.
Superworms can be tougher for them to digest than mealworms since they are bigger and have a harder shell. Black soldier fly larvae, on the other hand, have a greater protein and calcium content than mealworms, which can be advantageous for the growth and development of my bearded dragon.
It’s crucial for me to keep in mind that my bearded dragon shouldn’t only eat mealworms or superworms. They should be a part of a diversified diet, which also includes leafy greens, vegetables, and other insects.
I try to make sure to gut-load my mealworms and superworms with healthy foods like fruits and veggies and supplement them with calcium and vitamin D3 when I feed either type of worm.
What Insects Should Bearded Dragons Eat Everyday?
Bearded dragons need to eat a variety of insects, leafy greens, and vegetables to be healthy, but it’s typically not a good idea to give them the same insects every day.
A bearded dragon’s food may consist of a variety of insects, including:
- crickets
- dubia roaches
- black army fly larvae
- hornworms
- silkworms
Although they should be gut-loaded and sprinkled with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements, crickets are a wonderful source of protein.
In addition to being a rich source of protein, dubia roaches are more nutritious than crickets. The high protein and calcium content of black soldier fly larvae aids in stomach loading. Given their high moisture content and high protein content, hornworms and silkworms are excellent suppliers of both.
Superworms can provide nutrition to a bearded dragon’s diet, but they shouldn’t serve as the only food source. Make sure the superworms you give your bearded dragon are the right size and not too big for it to consume.
Superworms should be introduced gradually, as with any new meal, and you should watch your bearded dragon’s behavior and health to make sure it’s adjusting to them well.
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