It’s time to talk about sugar glider poo and pee. It’s like the elephant in the room. I’ve written many articles about sugar gliders on our site, but this one is really important.
Defecation and urine gets to be annoying, frustrating, gross and dirty without some sort of routine or solution to handling this waste coming out of sugar gliders.
In this article, I’ll get to the bottom of sugar glider pee and poo habits to see how we can keep clean and comfortable together.
Sugar Glider Poop and Pee
If sugar gliders have been feeding or just after they get up, they tend to urinate and defecate a lot. When the desire strikes, they will relieve themselves like any animal would.
This implies that you are a target for them to pee and poo on. You’ll notice that they prefer not to relieve themselves in areas where they rest.
Sugar Glider Poop Routine
After they have fully awakened, sugar gliders will relieve themselves. There are a few options open to you that you can pursue.
- You have the option of leaving them in their cage for approximately half an hour, during which time you will ensure that the majority of their business is completed and out of the way.
- This will allow you to let them out of their cage with the expectation that they will have few or no accidents until you either feed them or give them more to drink.
- Or when you take them out for a time together, you should start off by giving them some time to move their bowels at the very beginning of the activity.
- To complete this, take a baby wipe and carefully clean the rear end of the animal. This will cause stimulation of their intestines, and they will begin to go to the bathroom if they have not already done so.
They are going to continue relieving themselves for the next number of minutes. Now that the bonding session or day is over, you may go about your business without having to worry about any accidents.
Why Does My Sugar Glider Pee on Me?
Sugar Gliders, both male and female, will leave scent markings on their territory, much like many other species in the animal kingdom do.
If they urinate on you, it is a clear sign that they consider you to be part of their territory. The fact that they can smell themselves on you will make them feel more at ease and acquainted.
Why Do Sugar Gliders Pee And Poop Everywhere?
Sugar gliders are known to urinate and defecate in almost any available space. This is due to the fact that unlike dogs, cats, and people, sugar gliders do not have the ability to manage their elimination behavior on their own.
Moreover, sugar gliders commonly use their urine as a way to mark their territory. Sugar gliders, unlike humans, do not have the same processes for controlling their bowels and bladders.
Because the nerves that control the muscles that prevent us from going whenever we feel the urge are voluntarily controlled, your brain needs to send a signal to those muscles on a conscious level in order for them to relax when you go.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for sugar gliders who can let go at any time.

Can Sugar Gliders Be Potty Trained?
It is possible to housebreak a Sugar Glider, however the process is different from that of a cat. You are not going to place a litter box in their cage or designate a specific area for them to go within the cage.
They will not comprehend what it is that you anticipate from them. You can discover their potty routines and devise a schedule that will prevent you from getting peed or pooped on as frequently.
Owners of sugar gliders who claim to have trained them to use the restroom in a proper location or litter area typically have acquired this skill after learning to detect the times or signals that their gliders need to go.
How Prevent Your Sugar Glider From Peeing And Pooping On You
1. After waking them up, leave them alone for a little while.
When sugar gliders first wake up, they frequently urinate and defecate. When you wake your sugar glider in the afternoon, allow them some time in their cage to relieve themselves so they don’t pee and poop on you right away when you take them out of their pouch.
3. Look for indications in their body language.
The more time you spend with your sugar gliders, the easier it will be for you to spot behaviors that are indicative of elimination.
For instance, if you have a sugar glider that is particularly active, you could observe that if they stop moving for a while, it might be because they need to relieve themselves.
Get a tissue now since sugar gliders frequently stoop down a bit and elevate their tail and hindquarters before urinating.
2. Keep them confined in the cage.
Sugar gliders frequently urinate and defecate quickly after eating. Give them their main meal inside their cage, and give them time to finish, urinate, and defecate before touching them.
If you give them goodies during playtime before their meal, they could also be more likely to urinate and defecate. Try to avoid giving them too many treats during playtime.
5. Create A Schedule.
You may create a routine to minimize the amount of urine and feces you need to clean up after playing with your gliders by putting some measures into practice.
This might be implemented by giving your gliders their major meal in the afternoon or evening and giving them 45–60 minutes to eat and do potty before removing them from the house.
Next make sure they’ve finished by stimulating them with a moist wipe or cotton ball. Maintaining consistency with this process may enable you to handle your gliders after they have finished using the restroom.
4. Encourage them to move.
To encourage it, female sugar gliders will lick their joeys’ perineal region (under the tail). Young gliders can still utilize this tactic. To get them to urinate and defecate, massage their perineal region with a moist wipe or a damp cotton ball.
For older gliders, this approach does not appear to work very well unless their owner consistently encourages elimination throughout their life.
What Does Normal Sugar Glider Poop Look Like?
The feces of a healthy sugar glider should resemble pellets, be somewhat larger than mice, be dark brown in color, and be relatively solid but not entirely rigid. It shouldn’t smell overpowering either.
Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to take them to the doctor for a checkup if they consistently have soft stools.
On the other hand, if their feces are very hard, they may not be consuming enough water or fiber. They may be dehydrated, which can cause their feces to be firmer.
Make sure that sugar gliders drink enough water throughout the day because they are susceptible to dehydration.
Do Sugar Gliders Mark Territory With Urine?
Yes. Sugar gliders use their urine and smell glands to mark their territory. Male and female sugar gliders both mark their urine.
Males that have not been neutered will mark their urine more frequently than neutered males, although neutering does not completely stop this habit.
Also, when a female in heat is close, males will scent mark more frequently. Although scent-marking cannot be completely removed, neutering your male sugar glider may assist.
Can I Put A Diaper On My Sugar Glider?
No. The use of diapers on sugar gliders is not advised. The usage of diapers drastically limits movement, reduces the capacity to jump, and stresses tiny, exotic prey animals like sugar gliders.
As an alternative, adopt safety measures, such as letting them play in a location where you can quickly clean up pee and feces.
We need to ensure that we provide them a space where they are free to exhibit natural relieving behavior.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Why am I seeing sugar glider diarrhea?
Diarrhea is one problem that sugar gliders frequently experience. You must be cautious when handling a sick glider. Be careful to often wash your hands and to fully clean the cage.
While it’s always a good idea to take your glider to a vet as soon as you can when you find that they have diarrhea because it may be pretty dangerous. Make sure they drink enough water to prevent dehydration.
2. How often do sugar gliders poop?
Each sugar glider is unique, and they don’t all go potty at the same frequency throughout the day. In general, sugar gliders let it flow immediately after waking up and feeding. However in addition to each individual glider, this also relies on their age and food.
3. Does sugar glider poop smell?
Although sugar gliders don’t actually smell bad, their feces usually does. As a result, the space where you keep your sugar gliders will frequently smell, especially when they’re using the restroom. Purchasing an air purifier is one remedy for this.
4. How do I know if my sugar glider is constipated?
Sugar gliders may have constipation if their diet is deficient in roughage. A firm, bloated stomach, trouble urinating, and hard, dry stools are the symptoms.
Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.