My cockatiel sleeps on me. Sometimes he’s on one leg. How do cockatiel sleep?
Should it concern you when they sleep on the bottom of the cage?
There are more sleeping habits to discover in this article that I wish to share with you today. Thanks for stopping by and let’s get right into it.
How Do Cockatiel Sleep?
Being natural perchers, cockatiels frequently doze off while sitting on a branch or a perch within their cage. They can hold securely when asleep because to a unique tendon in their foot.
Cockatiels frequently sleep on one foot while keeping the other foot close to their body for stability and warmth.
They sleep:
- Motionless and silent: When cockatiels sleep, they become motionless and peaceful. They could lay their head on their back or tuck it beneath one of their wings.
- By taking daytime naps: To relax and rejuvenate, cockatiels may take brief naps during the day. While sleeping, they could partially or completely close their eyes.
- In dark and peaceful surroundings: Giving cockatiels a dark and peaceful environment to sleep in during the nighttime helps them feel safe and encourages better sleep.
- 10 to 12 hours per day: At dusk and dawn, they typically go to sleep and get up.
Do Cockatiels Need a Bed in Their Cage?
No. Cockatiels don’t require a bed in their cage, but adding some objects might make their home more snug and comfortable. Here are a few ideas:
1. Soft nesting material
In a corner of the cage where your cockatiel may curl up, you can put soft nesting materials like shredded paper, clean fabric, or untreated wood shavings.
2. Cuddle hut or tent
Some cockatiels love keeping a cuddle hut or tent in their cage because it gives them a private, comfortable place to rest or unwind.
3. Comfortable perches
You may give your cockatiel alternatives for selecting a comfortable place to rest by adding a range of perches with varied thicknesses and textures. For their feet, perches made of natural wood may be more pleasant.
To make sure they are secure and clear of dirt or any risks, remember to routinely clean and examine any bedding or accessories you give.
What Do Sleeping Cockatiels Look Like?
Cockatiels’ look and behavior might change when they are sleeping. The following traits of sleeping cockatiels are typical:
- Tucked position
- Fluffed feathers
When cockatiels are sleeping, they frequently huddle their bodies into a compact, fluffy ball and bury their heads beneath their wings. They could put one or both legs up for support.
Cockatiels typically close their eyes while sleeping, which gives their face a calm and comfortable appearance. They might not be as animated or talkative at night as they are during the day.
While sleeping, cockatiels frequently fluff up their feathers to assist regulate their body temperature and act as insulation.
Do Cockatiels Close Their Eyes When They Sleep?
Yes, cockatiels usually shut their eyes at night. Cockatiels naturally close their eyes as they sleep, much like many other birds do.
They frequently close their eyes when they lie down to sleep because they are trying to relax. The bird’s eyes are closed when it is relaxed and sleeping well.
Certain cockatiels’ eyelids may seem partially open as they sleep and that they may not completely close their eyes. Closed or partially closed eyelids are a typical look during a cockatiel’s slumber, however this might vary from bird to bird.

Do Cockatiels Like to Be Covered at Night?
Some do and some don’t. Various cockatiels prefer various covers at different times of the day. While some cockatiels like the sense of safety and darkness that a cover gives, others could feel uneasy or uneasy with their vision being constrained.
To ascertain your cockatiel’s choice, it’s critical to watch their behavior and how they react when covered. Your cockatiel may like the added sense of protection and darkness if they are quiet and content while covered.
It’s better to leave them unattended and offer a peaceful, dimly lit resting environment if they exhibit indications of anxiety or agitation, though. Keep in mind to respect your cockatiel’s unique requirements and preferences for their sleeping space.
Are Cockatiels Noisy at Night?
No. In general, cockatiels are calm at night and prefer to sleep then. They are nocturnal beings, meaning they sleep at night and are most active during the day.
While sleeping, they occasionally emit quiet chirping or rustling noises, although these are often not loud or annoying in my opinion or experience.
Cockatiels might be sensitive to environmental changes or disruptions, which could make them vocalize or become more attentive.
Making sure your cockatiel has a peaceful and quiet sleeping environment devoid of loud noises and bright lights will help guarantee that it receives the restorative sleep it needs.
Do Cockatiels Need Darkness to Sleep?
Yes. Cockatiels do benefit from a calm, dimly lit environment. Cockatiels, like the majority of birds, maintain a regular sleep-wake cycle that is affected by light. Maintaining their sleep habits involves giving them a regimen that is predictable and includes regular dark times.
To make the environment darker and quieter for them to sleep in during their assigned sleeping period, it is advised to partially cover the cage or use a sleep cage cover. This aids in simulating their natural environment and encourages sound sleep.
However, because every cockatiel is distinct, some could have varied preferences for their sleeping surroundings. They may be guaranteed to get the rest they require by keeping an eye on their behavior and changing the sleeping arrangements accordingly.
Why Do Birds Stand While Sleeping?
Cockatiels and other birds engage in a special sleeping pattern known as “perching sleep.” They are able to sleep while standing because of a unique tendon in their legs that, when their legs are bent, mechanically secures their feet around a perch.
They can preserve energy and keep their equilibrium when resting thanks to this adaptation. They can unwind their muscles and get a good night’s sleep by standing on one or both legs.
They remain upright while sleeping while standing, which enables speedy escape from any prospective predators. It’s a behavior that comes naturally to birds and aids in their adaptation to their arboreal environment, where perching is crucial for life.
Cockatiel Sleeping on Bottom of Cage
When a cockatiel is found sleeping on the bottom of the cage, it could indicate potential health issues or behavioral concerns. Here are some points to consider:
- Illness or injury: If your cockatiel is sick or injured, they may prefer to rest on the cage floor due to weakness or discomfort.
- Respiratory problems: Labored breathing or wheezing could make it difficult for the bird to perch, causing them to seek a flat surface.
- Digestive issues: An upset stomach or pain in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to changes in sleeping behavior.
- Cage discomfort: Uncomfortable perches, overcrowding, or inappropriate cage setup can make the bird choose the bottom of the cage as a resting spot.
- Temperature extremes: If the cage is too hot or cold, the cockatiel might seek a cooler or warmer surface.
- Noise or disturbance: Excessive noise or disturbances near the cage may cause stress and disrupt sleep patterns.
- Egg-laying: Female cockatiels preparing to lay eggs may exhibit nesting behavior, including sleeping on the cage floor.
- Insecurity or fear: A fearful or insecure bird may seek lower ground for a sense of safety.
Cockatiel Sleeping During the Day
Due to their diurnal nature, cockatiels are usually up during the day and asleep at night. A cockatiel may, however, appear to be sleeping throughout the day for a number of reasons:
- Natural sleeping habits: Like people, cockatiels have sleep cycles and may take brief naps or relax throughout the day.
- Environmental factors: The cockatiel may be more likely to sleep if the cage is kept in a calm or dim environment throughout the day.
- Illness or exhaustion: A cockatiel may decide to sleep throughout the day if it is feeling ill or exhausted.
- Stress or schedule changes: The bird’s sleep habits might be affected by stressful conditions or schedule changes.
- Old Age: Older cockatiels may sleep more during the day than younger ones due to aging.
Cockatiel Sleeping On One Leg
Cockatiels frequently sleep on one leg, and there are a several explanations for this habit, including:
1. Comfort and relaxation
Cockatiels can establish a balanced and pleasant position while sleeping on one leg. One leg can be tucked up toward the torso, which helps maintain body heat and lessens muscular exhaustion.
2. Thermoregulation
Birds have a special adaption known as “vasoconstriction,” which allows them to regulate the blood flow to their legs. They can keep that leg warmer and more effectively control their body temperature by raising one leg as they sleep.
3. Natural behavior
Many bird species, including cockatiels, have been observed sleeping on one leg. It is said to be an instinctual position that enables them to conserve energy and keep their balance when they are resting.
Sleeping on one leg is often seen as normal and unproblematic as long as your cockatiel seems healthy, active, and displays no symptoms of pain.
It’s intriguing to see the distinctive sleeping habits of cockatiels. They can even sleep during the day, hide their heads under their wings, and sleep on one leg.
These actions provide particular functions for their comfort, thermoregulation, and instinctive demands and are normal activities.
Create a quiet sleeping space for cockatiels. This includes a room that is peaceful and darkly lighted, a cozy bed or perch, and a regular bedtime.
Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.