Is your hamster making a mess in his position of slumber? Why is urine or the smell of ammonia coming from your hamster’s location of rest?
In this article, we’ll discuss the topic of hamsters peeing in the same spot where they sleep.
Why Does My Hamster Pee Where He Sleeps?
Hamsters create underground hideaways to store food and separate spaces to pee or defecate. Cages don’t provide enough room for this natural instinct. It’s common for hamsters to pee in their bed, but you can potty train a hamster.
Is it Normal For Hamsters To Wee In Their Bed?
Yes. It’s very common for hamster enthusiasts to notice the wet bedding and the smell of ammonia signaling that their hamsters have peed in their bed.
Keep plenty of bedding such as shredded paper available to replace the soiled sections to prevent skin irritations or unpleasant odors.
Sometimes they will just go in their bed because they are sleepy and are to tired to leave the bed.
You can encourage a hamster pee in another location. A hamster potty is a common item available for purchase or you can set one up by yourself. Training requires time, patience and effort, but may not always work for every hamster.
Recommended Reading : Is your hamster making strange noises? Take a look at this article I wrote to find out why
Why Doesn’t My Hamster Pee In One Spot?
There are many possible reasons why your hamster is peeing in places where you think it shouldn’t. Here are a few examples:
- Your hamster is scared.
- Time is needed for a new hamster to adjust.
- The cage is too small to designate a pee zone.
- There is no litter box to pee in.
- A corner with previously soiled bedding and urine smell isn’t available.
Your hamster would like a spot to pee instead of doing so on its bed. You can take a piece of soiled bedding and place it in one corner of the enclosure. Your hamster will smell the area and hopefully pee again in that spot.
You can also create or purchase a litter box. Some hamsters are fearful of us when we enter the room. Move slowly. If we startle a sleeping hamster, it might wake up and soil the bedding.
Where Do Hamsters Pee In Their Cage?
Hamster prefer to pee in a corner of the cage. Here are some tips to help get your hamster to pee in one spot.
- Place a litter box or potty that fits well into a corner. A triangular shaped receptacle works best.
- Fill it with sand or pearls from a pet shop.
- Place some of the previously soiled bedding in that location.
- Treat praise your hamster after it has urinated in that spot.

What Color Is Hamster Pee
Hamster urine can vary in color depending on various factors, including hydration levels, diet, and overall health. Normally, hamster urine is a shade of yellow, ranging from pale yellow to a deeper, more concentrated yellow.
Certain conditions or factors can cause changes in urine color. If a hamster is dehydrated or not drinking enough water, their urine may appear darker and more concentrated.
If a hamster consumes certain foods or medications, their urine might have a slightly different hue. For example, consuming foods high in pigments, like beets or certain fruits, can cause the urine to have a reddish or pinkish tinge.
It’s important to note that significant changes in urine color, such as dark brown, orange, red, or bloody urine, can be an indication of a health issue or urinary tract problem.
If you observe abnormal urine color or have any concerns about your hamster’s health, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian
How Do I Get My Hamster To Pee?
Potty training a hamster is possible, but not as easy for everyone. Some hamsters take to the training quite rapidly while stubborn little hamsters continue soiling their own bed instead.
Fill a litter box with commercial litter, pearls or sand. Take some droppings that you see in the cage or soiled bedding and put it in the new litter box. Your hamster may not clue in right away that this is the new place to pee.
Continue the process every time you notice soiled bedding in the area where your hamster sleeps. Do not be upset. Your hamster may simply feel that the cage is too small to designate a pee corner. Keep encouraging with vocal and treat praise.
Can a Hamster Really Be Potty Trained?
Hamster wish to be clean animals. They build underground highways in the wild and designate areas for food collection, defecation or urine and a separate spot for rest.
Each area acts as an underground igloo or dome shaped location they have dug out for themselves. In your cage, this is simply not possible. You could try to place treats on the spot they like to rest so they won’t pee in their food.
You may also need a bigger enclosure if this unwanted symptom persists and the urine continues to soil the bedding. Always remove the bedding that contains urine or it could lead to skin irritation or infection.
Can I Make A Potty For My Hamster?
Yes! You don’t need to buy a hamster potty if you are interested in a small DIY project.
- Start with a container with a lid.
- Cut a hole in the container that is 2-3 inches wide.
- Sand the edges of the container to make sure it isn’t sharp.
- Use sand or commercial litter that is dust and scent free.
- You can also use sand, paper or grass.
Now that you have a litter box for your hamster, add in some soiled beddings from the most recent pee accident in an undesired location. Encourage your hamster to smell the urine in the new box and praise your hamster when they go there.
You will need to replace any container that is used repeatedly or gets chewed on excessively. The litter boxes in most shops are sturdier and can be cleaned out more often.
5 Steps To Potty Train A Hamster
- Get a hamster potty or make one.
- Fit it into a designated corner.
- It should be smooth and snug with a partial lid on it.
- Fill it with sand, paper or wood. You can mix them all together too.
- Add litter pearls (optional) for absorbency and odor control.
We hope that with time and patience, your hamster will develop a liking to this corner where a litter box is located. Hamsters don’t wish to pee where they sleep, but it happens often.
Continue to remove soiled bedding and replace it. Move slow and give your hamster time to wake up without getting too close.
Treat praise your hamster immediately after using the litter box. Persistence without frustration is the key to training our little furry companions.