Do Guinea Pigs Smell? {Worse Than Rabbits? Hamsters?}

The sense of smell for me is the most powerful of all my senses. Do you agree? Do guinea pigs smell more than rabbits or hamsters? Is it because of their urine or an underlying illness?

Guinea pigs can get messy and you should know about my three cleaning tips below in this article. I’m going to tackle this odor issue once and for all and I invite you to join me.

Do Guinea Pigs Smell?

Yes. Guinea pigs can have a distinct fragrance, but if they are kept in a clean, well-ventilated environment, it shouldn’t be overpowering or unpleasant.

However, the smell can become overpowering and unpleasant if their habitat is not regularly cleaned or if they are kept in a cramped, poorly ventilated area.

By changing the bedding frequently and maintaining good cleanliness, the scent may be controlled. Additionally, picking the right bedding can make a difference because some materials, like straw or wood shavings, can absorb odors more effectively than others.

Boars (males) may also have a stronger smell than sows (females) due to an oily accumulation around the grease gland.

Do Guinea Pigs Need Baths?

No. Since they are able to groom themselves quite well, guinea pigs typically do not require baths. However, in some circumstances, if the guinea pig has gotten into something filthy or sticky, a bath might be necessary.

  1. In these situations, a warm water bath should be provided while using a shampoo made specifically for guinea pigs.
  2. Before putting the guinea pig back in its enclosure, make sure that it is entirely dry to prevent any health problems.
  3. It’s also crucial to avoid bathing your pet too regularly because this might dry up their coat’s natural oils and irritate their skin.

Guinea pigs benefit from routine grooming in addition to bathing to maintain a healthy, glossy coat. To get rid of any loose hair and grime, use a grooming glove or a soft-bristled brush.

Do Guinea Pigs Smell Worse Than Rabbits?

Not in my opinion. Although guinea pigs smell, it’s not necessarily worse than rabbit odor. Each animal has a distinct odor, which can vary depending on the animal’s:

  • surroundings
  • nutrition
  • personal hygiene practices

Guinea Pig Aroma

Due to their nutrition, guinea pigs naturally have an aroma that is frequently compared to hay or grass. Additionally, they produce oil from their skin, which can add to their odor. Their odor can be lessened with routine cage cleaning and grooming.

Rabbit Scent

On the other hand, rabbits also have a distinctive aroma that is sometimes referred to be musky. Additionally, their urine can be quite strong, particularly in unneutered males. Their odor can be managed with proper litter box upkeep and routine grooming.

In the end, each pet owner is responsible for controlling their animal’s odor with appropriate maintenance and hygiene.

How to Get Rid of Guinea Pig Urine Smell

Due to their urine and feces, guinea pigs can emit a pungent smell. Here are some suggestions for getting rid of the smell of urine:

  • Frequently cleaning the cage is important for reducing odors. Clean the cage as needed on a daily basis, and thoroughly at least once a week.
  • Use a cleaner that neutralizes odors instead of masking them with fragrance: Look for a cleaner that has been made with the goal of neutralizing odors.
  • Frequent bedding changes are necessary because dirty bedding tends to retain smells. As they effectively absorb moisture, fleece liners or bedding made of paper are both good choices.
  • Make sure the cage has adequate airflow in order to avoid moisture buildup, which can exacerbate the stink.
  • Utilize an air purifier that can assist in removing offensive odors.

These recommendations will help you maintain your guinea pig’s cage tidy and odor-free.

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Do Guinea Pigs Smell Worse Than Hamsters?

I think so, but not much more. Hamsters and guinea pigs have different odors, and some individuals might prefer one to the other.

Here are 3 things to think about:

  1. If their cage is not regularly cleaned, guinea pigs’ tendency to generate more pee and excrement than hamsters might result in a harsher stink.
  2. Hamsters may emit a musky stench that some people find repulsive because to the smell glands they utilize to identify their territory.
  3. If they are not kept in a clean environment or their bedding is not changed often, guinea pigs and hamsters can both emit an unpleasant odor.

Ultimately, personal preferences will determine whether guinea pigs or hamsters smell worse. To avoid any unwanted scents, maintain appropriate hygiene and cleanliness for both creatures.

How to Stop Indoor Guinea Pigs Smelling

As a responsible guinea pig owner, you should guarantee that your pets have a clean and odor-free living environment. Here are some suggestions for preventing indoor guinea pigs from smelling:

  1. Regularly clean their cage since guinea pigs are untidy animals and their waste may quickly accumulate and smell terrible. At least once each week, clean out their cage, removing any filthy bedding, and adding new, clean bedding.
  2. Utilize odor-neutralizing products. There are a variety of items on the market that are intended to eliminate pet odors. These items may be used to clean your guinea pig’s cage as well as any nearby locations where the odor might linger.
  3. Ensure adequate ventilation. To keep the air moving and stop odors from accumulating, adequate ventilation is necessary. Keep the cage for your guinea pig in a space that is well-ventilated, and think about adding a fan to assist move the air about.
  4. Pick the right bedding. Some materials are better at trapping odors than others. Use of cedar or pine shavings should be avoided since they might irritate your guinea pig’s respiratory system and retain smells. Instead, pick bedding made of hay or paper that is made to absorb scents and moisture.
  5. Feed a guinea pig the proper nutrition which will have a big influence on how they smell. Make certain they have access to a lot of fresh hay and a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t feed them excessive amounts of starchy or sweet meals because doing so might upset their stomachs and make their feces smell worse.

You can maintain your indoor guinea pigs smelling clean and fresh by paying attention to these suggestions.

How Do I Keep My Room Smelling Good With My Guinea Pig?

With a guinea pig, there are various methods to keep your space smelling fresh:

  • Regularly cleaning your guinea pig’s cage is the most crucial thing you can do to keep your space smelling fresh. Fresh bedding should be added after carefully cleaning the cage and removing any dirty bedding.
  • Use air purifiers to maintain clean, odor-free air in your space. Air purifiers can assist. Pick an air purifier that is intended to eliminate pet odors.
  • Use baking soda. To eliminate smells, keep a small basin of baking soda close to your guinea pig’s cage.
  • Try essential oils. You can use essential oils to freshen the air in your space. Your preferred essential oil can be placed in a diffuser and run for a few hours each day.
  • Open the windows and doors to let in fresh air to ventilate the space.
  • Get some odor-neutralizing sprays. There are a variety of odor-neutralizing sprays available on the market that can assist in removing pet odors from your space. Select a product that is suitable for use near animals.

What Is the Least Smelly Guinea Pig Bedding?

Here are some of the least offensive guinea pig bedding options:

1. Fleece bedding

This kind of bedding is incredibly soft, cozy, and absorbent. To maintain it clean and fresh, it has to be washed frequently.

2. Paper bedding

This kind of bedding is made from recycled paper and is quite absorbent while also assisting with odor control. It is also hypoallergenic and dust-free, making it a fantastic option for guinea pigs with respiratory issues.

3. Aspen bedding

This is a natural, biodegradable solution created from aspen wood shavings. Additionally absorbent and odor-controlling, it.

4. Hemp Bedding

Bedding made of hemp stems is both environmentally responsible and biodegradable. It is also successfully odor-controlling and extremely absorbent.

5. Kiln-dried pine bedding

This type of bedding is constructed of low-dust, highly effective odor-controlling shavings of kiln-dried pine wood.

Keep in mind to spot clean every day and change the bedding once a week to keep your guinea pig’s living space clean and fresh.

Does Guinea Pig Pee Smell Strong?

Some individuals find the pungent smell of guinea pig pee to be repulsive. The smell’s potency can vary depending on a number of variables, including the nutrition of the guinea pig and the cleanliness of their living quarters.

You may lessen the intensity of the pee odor by keeping a regular cleaning routine and feeding your guinea pig a nutritious diet. Here are some suggestions for minimizing the smell of urine from guinea pigs:

  • The cage should be cleaned at least once a week, and any urine or feces should be picked up on a daily basis.
  • Use odor-absorbing materials. Place odor-absorbing items near their cage, like as baking soda, activated carbon, or a tiny dish of white vinegar.
  • Bedding of superior quality should be used and it should be made to absorb urine and minimize smells.
  • Make sure the space has adequate airflow to eliminate any lingering odors.
  • Use a litter box to concentrate the stench in one place so try teaching your guinea pig to use a litter box.

These suggestions can help you maintain your space tidy and smelling good while still enjoying your furry friend’s presence.

Can I Spray Perfume on My Guinea Pig?

No, you shouldn’t scent your guinea pig with perfume. Due to their delicate respiratory systems, guinea pigs may suffer injury or discomfort from strong odors.

  1. In addition to irritating skin or triggering allergic responses in humans, perfumes can include compounds that are toxic to guinea pigs. Furthermore, if your guinea pig ingests any perfume while grooming, it could result in poisoning or digestive problems.
  2. Instead of applying perfume, routinely cleaning your guinea pig’s cage and using the right bedding can keep them smelling clean and fresh.
  3. Additionally, you can occasionally bathe them in guinea pig-safe shampoo and conditioner and feed them fresh hay and vegetables to help keep their digestive systems in good shape.

It is always recommended to speak with a veterinarian if you are worried about any strange scents coming from your guinea pig in order to safeguard their health and well-being.

Are Guinea Pigs Messy?

Although guinea pigs can be a little messy, their living spaces are simple to keep clean with the right maintenance. Here are some examples of how guinea pigs can make a mess and some cleaning advice:

  1. Guinea pigs excrete a lot of waste, which may rapidly build up in their cage. The cage has to be properly cleaned at least once a week and should be spot cleaned each day.
  2. Although it might be untidy, hay is necessary for guinea pigs to consume and burrow in. To confine it, try using a hay rack or hay ball.
  3. Bedding is important for absorbing urine and keeping the cage dry, but it can get tossed around and dirty quickly. Pick bedding of good quality that is absorbent and simple to clean.
  4. While eating, guinea pigs may spill some of their food. To keep the cage off the ground, try using a bowl that fastens to the side of the cage.

Guinea pigs can be quite dirty in general, but frequent cleaning and upkeep can easily keep their living space odor-free.

How Often Do You Need to Clean a Guinea Pig Cage?

In order to avoid unpleasant odors or health issues, cleaning the guinea pig cage is a crucial component of their daily care routine. Here are some pointers on how frequently to clean a cage for guinea pigs:

1. Spot cleaning

Every day, remove any excrement, filthy hay, and bedding from your guinea pig’s cage. This will stop any bacterial growth and keep the cage smelling fresh.

2. Weekly cleaning

Once a week, you should give the cage a more thorough cleaning. This entails emptying the cage, cleaning the bottom using a cleaner appropriate for pets, and changing the bedding.

3. Comprehensive cleaning

Once a month, you should also perform a comprehensive cleaning of the cage, which includes washing any accessories, food plates, and water bottles as well as disinfecting it using a pet-safe disinfectant.

When cleaning your guinea pig’s cage, keep in mind to only use safe, non-toxic cleaning supplies and to stay away from anything that could endanger your pet.

Can You Clean a Guinea Pig With Baby Wipes?

No. As a guinea pig owner, I would advise against cleaning your pet with baby wipes. Baby wipes have ingredients and scents that could irritate your pet’s skin and have negative health effects.

It’s preferable to use a soft, wet cloth or a guinea pig-specific wipe that is suitable for pets. In order to prevent any health problems, you can also give your guinea pig a bath using a gentle shampoo made specifically for tiny animals.

Just make sure to rinse well and dry them off afterward. It’s necessary to clean your guinea pig in a safe and gentle way in order to maintain its health and happiness.


Although guinea pigs do have a unique scent, it can be controlled with the right cleanliness and care. Their bedding, nutrition, and cleaning practices can all affect how they smell. It is possible to lessen their odor by:

  • using the right bedding
  • cleaning their cage on a regular basis
  • feeding them a healthy food
  • maintaining good ventilation in their living space
  • employing odor-absorbing materials, such as baking soda

Remember that although while guinea pigs naturally have a fragrance, it shouldn’t be overbearing or unpleasant.


Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.


My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.