Do Guinea Pigs Have Periods? {Do Guinea Pigs Menstruate?}

Of all the guinea pig articles I’ve written, I never thought I would have to dive into this topic. Do guinea pigs have periods? Why is this a popular question and how can I help explain it in the best way?

There is a simple answer, but so much detail goes into understanding the reproductive cycle of guinea pig females.

Allow me to answer the main question now, but stick around for other related and important questions below.

Do Guinea Pigs Have Periods?

No. Female guinea pigs don’t have monthly cycles. Guinea pigs are distinct from female humans and other menstruating mammals. The estrous cycle, sometimes referred to as the heat cycle or the reproductive cycle is what you’ll find instead with guinea pigs .

Female guinea pigs may exhibit various characteristics at this period, such as:

  • increased vocalizations
  • agitation
  • receptivity to male guinea pigs.

Female guinea pigs are susceptible to a variety of illnesses that call for medical treatment, including:

  • ovarian cysts
  • uterine infections

Estrous cycles in female guinea pigs cause them to go into heat multiple times a year for a period of time, with various phases. They do not bleed like they would during a menstrual cycle. They are fertile and have spontaneous ovulation while they are in heat.

What Does a Guinea Pig Period Look Like?

Nothing. Because female guinea pigs do not menstruate, they do not have periods. Instead, they have an estrous cycle, which includes an estrus or heat period, during which they are sexually receptive.

Female guinea pigs may exhibit various characteristics during estrus, such as increasing their vocalizations and restlessness and becoming more receptive to male guinea pigs.

Contrary to other animals like dogs or cats, which may exhibit vaginal bleeding or discharge, guinea pigs show no outward signs of estrus.

Keep in mind that female guinea pigs are vulnerable to problems with their reproductive system, such as ovarian cysts, which can manifest as:

  • lethargy
  • loss of appetite
  • enlarged belly

Female Guinea Pig in Heat Behavior

Although female guinea pigs do not experience menstruation like humans do, they do occasionally go into heat throughout the year. They could display signs of being in heat at this time, such as:

  • restlessness
  • increased vocalization
  • frequent urine
  • a “lordosis” posture, where they arch their backs and elevate their hindquarters, making them more susceptible to the approaches of male guinea pigs.

Breeding guinea pigs should only be carried out by skilled breeders. Poor breeding techniques can have negative health effects on both the mother and the young.

My Guinea Pig Is Bleeding From Her Bottom

This happened to my guinea pig which led me down the path to eventually writing this article. There are a number of potential causes for your guinea pig’s bottom bleeding, including:

1. Urinary tract infection

blood in the urine is a typical sign to watch for. To treat the infection, it’s critical to get veterinarian treatment as soon as you can.

2. An injury

Your guinea pig’s vaginal region may have resulted in bleeding. Look closely around the area for any indications of trauma.

3. Tumor

In female guinea pigs, a tumor in the reproductive system can result in bleeding. This ailment demands urgent veterinary care.

4. Medical conditions

Conditions like bladder stones or uterine prolapse can also result in bottom bleeding. I would take my guinea pig to the doctor right away if I saw any indications of bleeding from her bottom for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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Can Female Guinea Pigs Get Pregnant Without a Male?

No. Female guinea pigs are unable to become pregnant on their own. Guinea pigs, like other mammal, need a male so she may become pregnant.

During the roughly 16-day length of their reproductive cycle, female guinea pigs are open to mating. The female will not get pregnant if a male guinea pig is not there at that time.

Unneutered males with female guinea pigs should not be kept together at this time unless you plan to breed them. Otherwise, unintended pregnancies may happen, which could result in health issues for the mother as well as the unborn children.

How Long Does a Guinea Pig Period Last?

Although guinea pigs do not experience menstruation like humans do, they do experience a reproductive cycle.

  • It is well known that female guinea pigs go through 15–17-day heat cycles.

They may display a variety of characteristics at this period, including:

  • increased activity
  • frequent vocalization
  • mounting behavior
  • an enlarged vulva

A female guinea pig will not become pregnant if she does not mate when she is in heat, and her cycle will terminate without any bleeding or discharge.

Why Is My Guinea Pigs Pee Pink?

A health issue can be present if the urine of your guinea pig is pink or reddish in hue. Numerous conditions, include:

  • bladder stones
  • urinary tract infection
  • cancer (tumor)

Bladder stones, which can result in blood in the urine, are common in guinea pigs. Pink pee can also be a sign of a urinary tract infection. Get your guinea pig medical attention if you think it could have one.

Pink urine may, in extremely rare circumstances, be a symptom of bladder or reproductive organ cancer. Sorry to alarm you. I just had to cover the all the bases on this.

What Does a Female Guinea Pig Private Part Look Like?

The genital region of a female guinea pig is situated underneath the anus, close to the rear of the body.

  1. It is a tiny, elevated slit-like aperture that is hard to perceive.
  2. The genital region’s color may change based on the guinea pig’s color, although it often has the same hue as the surrounding fur.
  3. A guinea pig’s vaginal region shouldn’t be red or bloated since these conditions may signal an infection or other health problems.

Are My Guinea Pigs Kissing?

Not really. Guinea pigs express their love in a variety of ways, but they do not kiss. They could lick or chew at one another, which could be a sign of grooming or closeness.

When they are satisfied or joyful in one another’s company, they may also emit light chirping noises. Your guinea pigs may be communicating and recognizing one another if you notice them touching noses.

However, if you see your guinea pigs biting or chasing each other violently, this might indicate a power struggle or a fight. To avoid confrontations, be sure to keep an eye on your guinea pigs and provide them plenty of room and resources, such food and water.

Do Female Guinea Pigs Have Milk?

Guinea pig females can produce milk, but only after giving birth to a litter of young. The hormone prolactin, which is secreted by the pituitary gland following the delivery of the pups, regulates the production of milk in female guinea pigs.

The milk is crucial for the newborn guinea pigs’ growth and development, and it gives the pups all the nutrition they need.

If your female guinea pig is producing milk but hasn’t recently given birth, it may indicate a hormonal imbalance or other health problems.

Do Female Guinea Pigs Hump Each Other?

Oh yes. Guinea pig females can hump each other. This behavior frequently denotes dominance, and guinea pigs frequently create a hierarchy within their social group. Female guinea pigs may also act in this way as a type of play or to pass the time when they are bored.

Humping can occasionally develop into aggressive behavior, so it’s crucial to watch how your guinea pigs interact and take appropriate action if necessary. To avoid harm, it could be essential to separate the guinea pigs if you see any aggressive behaviors like biting or chasing.

Do Female Guinea Pigs Have Nipples?

Yes. Guinea pig females do really have nipples. Just beneath the front legs, on their underside, they have two sets of nipples.

Because they enable female guinea pigs to nurse their young, nips are essential. The nipples of female guinea pigs may enlarge and become more visible during pregnancy.

Female guinea pigs’ nipples should be observed carefully to make sure they are not too bloated or itchy, which might indicate a serious health problem.

Do Guinea Pigs Hit Puberty?

Guinea pigs do experience puberty. Depending on the guinea pig, puberty can start anywhere between two and four months of age.

Male guinea pigs begin to exhibit more dominating behaviors throughout puberty, such as mounting and attempting to claim their area.

As their bodies get ready for potential pregnancy, female guinea pigs may also become more aggressive and exhibit nesting behavior.

During puberty, keep male and female guinea pigs apart to avoid unintentional breeding and potential health issues. Female guinea pigs can conceive during their first heat cycle, so if they aren’t going to be used for breeding, it’s better to get them spayed.


Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.


My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.