My bearded dragon sits on my lap, watches TV with me and closes his eyes when I stroke his scales. Does this mean he loves me?
Can bearded dragons feel love? How do you bond with them, calm them and develop trust?
We’ll cover all this and more in this very helpful article about bearded dragon emotions.
Can Bearded Dragons Feel Love?
No. Bearded dragons are unable to experience love. The hypothalamus of bearded dragons is undeveloped to control hormones and emotions related to love.
Mammals are able to feel love, loyalty, and even envy more than reptiles like bearded dragons.
Basic feelings may be felt by bearded dragons such as:
- fear
- aggressiveness
- pleasure
Your bearded dragon can enjoy the simple pleasure of being with you, but they are unable to love you in the same way you may love them.
Do Bearded Dragons Bond With You?
Yes. Bearded dragons, dogs and cats have quite different relationships with owners, but you may still form a deep relationship with your pet and take pleasure in many of the same kinds of interactions.
Your bond with your bearded dragon will grow if you give more of your time and care.
How To Tell If A Bearded Dragon Likes You
Here are some signs that may indicate that you are building trust, developing a bond and your beardie is liking the idea of being around you for the rest of their life:
- displays delight and recognition as you approach
- sits still for at least a little while on your lap.
- snoozes on your lap or close to you
- accompanies you as you watch television
- searches for you when they’re anxious or afraid
You will need to exercise patience and give enough effort out of your day to establish trust. Move slowly and begin attempts to hand feed your reptile companion.
We have much more information to share with you about this below.

How To Bond With A Bearded Dragon
Start with these tips today and begin bonding with your bearded dragons for life. It’s such an awesome feeling when it all comes together.
I thought it would never happen with my beardie, but how things changed and they will for you too.
- Hand feed them gently
- Use tweezers first and graduate to using your hands. If they puff their beard, back off for now.
- Use slow, gentle movements
- Pick them up from a visible angel and not from behind
- Stroke your dragon’s skin
- Roll a ball towards them.
Your bearded dragon will be attentive to you when you do things like rolling a small ball at them. Wait a few weeks before you begin these exercises and practices to bond with your bearded dragon.
How To Handle A Bearded Dragon
When you go to pick them up, make sure you are in your dragon’s line of sight and avoid making any unexpected or rapid movements.
- Put your hand on the dragon’s stomach.
- Don’t allow any limbs dangle
- Support all four of their legs.
- Because they have claws, bearded dragons can accidentally scratch you when you pick them up.
- The tail should never be held!
- Never stroke them against their scales; always in the direction of the scales.
- If the scales are shedding, avoid pulling them.
- To avoid salmonella, properly wash your hands after handling your dragon.
- While handling your dragon, avoid touching your face or mouth.
Do Bearded Dragons Have Feelings?
Yes. Bearded dragons do exhibit emotions, although they are not on the same level as those displayed by canines and felines or even certain other reptiles.
They can form bonds with their human partners, but how much comfort and compassion they exhibit is largely based on their unique personalities.
The way bearded dragons express their emotions sets them apart from other, more conventional pets. It has been documented that bearded dragons exhibit emotions like:
- rage
- fear
- boredom
- restlessness
In times of stress or terror, some bearded dragons may also cuddle up to their owners and seek comfort from them.
Why Don’t Bearded Dragons Have Emotions?
Since most reptiles have solitary lives, they never had to experience the emotions required to coexist in a social setting.
The emotional portion of reptiles’ brains never developed since there was no evolutionary advantage to doing so.
Many owners claim that their bearded dragons do exhibit a variety of emotions. While some bearded dragons prefer to be left alone and may even become hostile toward people, others appear to truly love their owners’ companionship.
The many emotions that bearded dragons express include:
- Stress
- Hunger
- Boredom
- Anger
- Fear
- Curiosity
- Comfort
- Pleasure
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How to Calm a Bearded Dragon
- Never pick them up from their tail.
- Keep volumes low.
- House them away from heavy traffic from outside of foot traffic inside.
- Do not startle them.
- Leave them alone if they puff their spikes out (bearding).
- Give them space.
- Give a new bearded dragon space and time to adjust.
2. Do Bearded Dragons Love Their Owners?
Yes and no. It’s up to you to decide after reading this article above.
It has been demonstrated that bearded dragons can know their owners’ voices and scents, and they are likely to feel more at ease around them than with strangers.
3. Do Bearded Dragons Miss Their Owners?
Not quite. The absence of their owner does not cause bearded dragons to miss them. Bearded dragons, on the other hand, may definitely experience joy anytime they encounter their owner!
4. Do Bearded Dragons Like to Be Held?
Yes, but not right away. Many beardies even develop a preference for being touched and held. To assist establish confidence, you may even hand-feed them some of their preferred snacks.
Your friendship will become stronger as a result of your time spent bonding with your dragon and learning about each other’s limits.
5. Do Bearded Dragons Like Attention?
Bearded dragons do, in fact, like their owners’ attention. A lot of bearded dragons can learn to enjoy being handled and petted, however it will depend on their general temperament and socialization.
Final Thought
I love my bearded dragon and it’s ok if he doesn’t have the capability to love me back.
I know that through the tips and suggestions in this article, I can build a bond and learn how to keep my breaded dragon happy.
Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.