Have you noticed that your budgie is flapping its wings but it can not fly any more?
What could be wrong? Will they ever fly again?
Below I will cover the main reasons for this that I have come across.
Why Can My Budgie Can Not Fly Anymore?
Budgies might not fly if flying feathers are clipped. Many breeders do this to prevent the beautiful pet from flying away.
If this is the case, you may have to be patient till the next annual molt, when the bird must have regrown its primary flight feathers. It may also not fly if it has an injured wing.
Why is My Budgie Struggling to Fly
There are several reasons why your budgie may be struggling to fly. Its flight feathers might have been trimmed; it may also have a broken wing or abdominal tumor.
- If your budgie can’t fly, and that is how it has been since you purchased it, then it is possible the breeders trimmed its wings before selling it.
- Thus, you should examine its flight feathers on both sides. On the other hand, if it used to fly and suddenly struggled, something might be wrong with the wing.
- Examine the wing to see if there’s no bruise. A bruised wing might make a budgie struggle to fly, just like a bruised leg will make walking uncomfortable for you.
- Abdominal tumors may also be the reason. In this case, you may need to visit a vet for professional examination and treatment.
* If you worry this could be one of the signs your budgie is dying slowly, please consult with the points in this article.
Why is My Budgie Struggling to Land?
Budgies, like other birds, land on their legs. Therefore, your budgie might struggle to land if its leg is injured. It may also be sick or have fractured or muscle strain.
Several factors can contribute to why your budgie struggles to land. Therefore, you must be observant to identify the cause. If your budgie is sick, not only will it struggle to land, it’ll also struggle to fly.
To rule this out, watch its eating habits. If it eats well and its poop is normal, then it is likely not sick. Now, you may examine it for other causes.
Check its legs to see if it’s bruised or not. If it is, that might be the cause since it can’t properly land on an injured or fractured leg.
You should also check its wings and limbs. If the wing isn’t straight, something isn’t right, and that might be the reason why it struggles to land. If this is the case, however, it’ll also struggle to fly.
Why is My Budgie Struggling to Walk?
Your budgie might be struggling to walk due to paralysis. It may also be due to fracture or muscle strain. It may also be due to a medical condition called Ataxia.
There are many reasons why your budgie might be struggling to walk. Therefore it is better to seek the attention of a vet as soon as possible. However, you can also do a little examination to know if a minor or complicated problem causes it.
Some of the reasons why your budgie might be struggling to walk include:
- Fractured bone
- Ataxia
- Paralysis
- Muscle strain
1. Fractured bone
Check its leg to see if its bone isn’t fractured. Birds may have fractured bone if the leg is hit by a heavy object such as metal or wood. In that case, walking may become an issue. In extreme cases, the leg might break and require the attention of a professional to mend.
2. Ataxia
This is a medical condition in birds that can affect the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. Once there’s a problem with any of these systems, walking and other voluntary activities become difficult. Thus, Ataxia could be the reason your budgie struggles to walk.
3. Paralysis
Many factors could cause paralysis, depending on your bird’s age. Older Budgies are more prone to this condition than the younger ones. However, identifying the cause of paralysis may be technical; therefore, seeking vet help will help in this regard.
Paralysis doesn’t only affect the leg; it is accompanied by other factors, which you should check out as well. Check if it cannot hold its neck up, is unable to control the neck muscles or the third eyelid, and inability to perch appropriately. Sometimes, the bird may also lose appetite. If you notice this, together with it struggling to walk, the bird is probably paralyzed.
4. Muscle strain
Muscle strain is another reason why your bird might be struggling to walk. A bird with this condition may feel pain in the legs, thereby making movement difficult.
Why is My Budgie Flying Low?
Your budgie might fly low if it is sick and doesn’t have enough energy to fly high. Also, if it’s going through vigorous molting, it may be unable to fly high.
Just as you can’t walk a long distance when you’re sick and tired, budgies also fly low when they’re sick and exhausted. Flying, like walking, requires energy, and such energy might be absent in a sick bird.
A fearful budgie may also resist flying. Find out one of the biggest things that scares them here.

Molting is another reason why your bird might be unable to fly high. In that case, you may need to wait till it grows a full flying feather to see your beautiful bird fly high again. You should also check if the flying feather isn’t clipped.
Bird breeders cut the flying feathers to prevent the birds from escaping.
Budgies less than two weeks old may not be able to fly high if at all they will fly at such a tender age. Therefore, if your budgie is newly born, then perhaps it’s too young to fly. You may see it struggling to fly low, but as it grows, it’ll eventually start flying high.
Should I Encourage Budgie to Fly?
Budgies are social animals and should be encouraged to fly. Not letting your bird fly isn’t healthy since they aren’t designed for such. Therefore, to let your bird stay healthy, it needs to exercise, and the best exercise for her is flying.
There’s nothing wrong with encouraging your bird to fly. In fact, it is the right thing to do. If you keep the bird in a cage for too long without letting it fly, it may soon fall sick. Just as humans need exercise to stay healthy, birds need it too.
However, in their case, they don’t need to be at the gym; simple flying activities will suffice. However, this doesn’t mean you should take the bird outside to fly if it isn’t trained for such, it might escape.
Instead, keep it in a closed room where it can safely exercise by flying around.
Is My Budgie ill?
Your budgie is Ill if it shows the symptoms of an Ill bird. Therefore, you should check for common symptoms, including loss of appetite, watery droppings, and fluffed-up feathers.
Budgies are good at hiding their illness. They want to act as though they’re always healthy until the illness gets complicated.
Therefore, as a pet owner, you must be observant at all times. You should check out the symptoms of an ill bird. If you notice any of these, you should reach out to a vet as quickly as possible.
The symptoms include:
- Loss of Appetite
- Watery droppings
- Unusual swellings
- Fluffed up feathers
- Drinking much more or less than normal
- Loss of feathers
- Overgrown beak
- Lack of energy/sleeping more than usual
- Watery eyes or nostrils
- Limping or holding one leg up
- Unusual bleeding
Can a Nervous Budgie Fly
A nervous budgie can fly if the nervousness isn’t for flying. It could be nervous for other reasons, such as being in a new environment. However, if your bird isn’t trained to fly, it may be nervous about doing so.
The first question is, why is your bird nervous? Do you just purchase it, and it’s now in a new environment?
Is it because you’re unfamiliar to him? In that case, its flying won’t be affected. You can experiment with this by taking it out of the cage, and you’ll see how swiftly it’ll fly because it has anticipated freedom.
On the other hand, if your bird has always been in the cage and never being around other birds since its birth, it might not utilize its natural flying skill. It might be scary to do so. In that case, the nervous bird may not be able to fly.
Nervousness might also be a result of trauma.
Therefore, if your bird has been traumatized before, perhaps being scared by a moving vehicle and it’s not used to such, it might be scared to fly afterward.
At What Age Do Budgies Start to Fly?
Birds start to fly between one and two months. Before then, they walk on their feet. At one month, your budgies should start flying low; by two months, it should have mastered the art and begin to fly high.
If your budgie isn’t sick and its wing isn’t clipped, it should start flying in four weeks. However, some birds need a little more time to do so, and that doesn’t mean something is wrong with them. Thus, if your budgie is like that, you may need to wait for the next eight weeks to see it fly.
If, after waiting for two months, it still doesn’t fly or make such an attempt, you should check its wings to see if it isn’t injured. Whichever case it is, if your bird doesn’t fly at eight weeks, you should visit a vet for examination.
Why Does My Budgie Fly to the Floor?
Birds fly to the floor if they are not comfortable flying. Therefore, if your budgie does this, it’s possible that it isn’t comfortable flying. It might also be feeling social around other animals like dogs or cats.
Budgies are social animals and should naturally enjoy flying like other birds. However, this principle isn’t applicable at all times. Flying is a learned habit. Therefore, if your budgie doesn’t learn to fly high, perhaps by being away from other birds, it might prefer to fly to the floor.
For instance, if it’s always around other pets in the house, such as cats and dogs, it may see them as friends and prefer to stay low and have fun around them. In that case, your budgie will choose to fly to the floor and not high like other birds.
Why Can’t My Budgie Walk?
I feel for you in this situation. This could be a bigger issue. The muscles in your budgie’s body may not be able to respond to the signals that are being sent from its brain.
This is often the result of a deficiency in nutrients such as vitamin E, calcium, or selenium. Ataxia is a symptom that can be seen in birds that are persistently unwell due to illness.
It indicates a lack of control over the muscles that results in awkward voluntary motions. Walking and maintaining balance may become difficult as a result.
He or she may be suffering from:
- an illness
- a tumor
- an egg that didn’t pass
- Arthritis
- gout
- curled toes
- nerve difficulties
Without a diagnosis from a licensed veterinarian, there is no way to know what the issue is.
What to Do if Budgie Has a Broken Wing
In the event that a budgie breaks a wing, medical assistance is the only remedy. Please bring your budgie as quickly as you can to a veterinarian.
- Protect the budgie by wrapping it in a fresh towel or cloth.
- Knowing that it is being safeguarded will make the injured budgie feel significantly better.
- The budgie will maintain its composure and move about less, preventing it from injuring itself.
- You will need to carefully cover the broken wing and keep it against the budgie’s body until you can meet with a rehabilitator or a veterinarian.
After a budgie’s damaged wing has healed, the bird has a far better chance of living a long and healthy life.
Budgie Flapping Wings but Not Flying
It’s possible that a frustrated, bored, uncomfortable, or aggressive budgie flutters their wings but not really flying.
The act of flapping provides a number of useful benefits, including:
- the opportunity to exercise
- attract attention
- reduce body temperature
- expressing eagerness and joy
- warning to other budgies to stay away
In most cases, wing flapping may be interpreted as a sign that a bird is either happy or trying to attract attention to itself.
If you notice that your budgie is flapping their wings, it is likely because he or she is distressed about something. If you see that your budgie’s wings are drooping, it’s possible that they are unwell or overworked.
Why Does My Budgie Fly At Me?
There could be many reasons ranging from exercise, dominance or trust. Let’s swoop in for a closer look to why your budgie flies at you.
1. Release Energy
If your budgie doesn’t get enough exercise, he may fly throughout the house, including at your head
2. Attention
Your budgie may fly at your head to attract your attention. Play and teach your budgie new tricks every day.
3. Clumsy Flyers
Some budgies are awkward fliers and hit anything, even heads. Avoid locations where your clumsy budgie could crash.
4. Fun and Games
Budgies enjoy flying at their owners. If your budgie is doing this and doesn’t look stressed or anxious, don’t worry.
5. Affection
Budgies bond with owners by flying at their heads. If they like you, mature budgies may do this.
6. Trust
If your budgie trusts you, he may fly to your head to demonstrate affection. If they like you, mature budgies may do this.
Perches can also help your budgie stay put. A toy or mirror might distract your budgie from flying at your head. If your budgie is flying at your head because he’s bored or overactive, try playing with him or flying about the room.
Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.