I’m a light sleeper. Are sugar gliders loud? If you ask me, I’ll say yes.
Don’t take my word for it and see what more sounds they can make and what they mean.
This article is about sugar gliders being noisy. Still worth it in my opinion. They’re just too cute.
Are Sugar Gliders Loud?
Sometimes. You might hear various noises with barking as the loudest one. It can sound like a puppy who is constantly yapping for your attention. Bark sounds range in loudness. You will most likely hear it through the night.
We would like to mention other sounds in this article and possible methods of lessening their frequency so they occur less often in your home and especially at night.
Do Sugar Gliders Bark at Night?
Yes. If your sugar glider is attempting to communicate with other sugar gliders or even with you, you should be prepared to hear some barking from it.
Remember that sugar gliders are nocturnal, therefore the sound of barking that you hear in the middle of the night might very well be coming from your own sugar glider.
Why Are Sugar Gliders So Loud?
Sugar gliders are loud when they are:
- in fear
- uncomfortable
- sick
- startled
It’s hard to tell what is causing the incessant barking that sometimes seems to go on for hours without recognizing the situation that you are in.
Are they new to your home? You must take into account there is a lack of trust between you right now. Taking an arboreal animal who is constantly active in the wild and subjecting them to a comfortable life in a safe enclosure could feel overwhelming for them.
As a nocturnal creature, they may get skirmish at night and bark to be let out. They may also bark when you interrupt their sleep through the day and you want to give them attention.
Do not try to handle a sugar glider too soon or when they are startled. Let them rest during the greater portion of the day.

Why do Sugar Gliders Bark?
Like dogs, sugar gliders can bark for a variety of reasons. Sugar gliders must always remain alert to any threat due to their tiny size.
Because they are sociable creatures, sugar gliders may bark to warn other gliders of a potentially harmful scenarios.
Sugar gliders benefit from social interaction and need to be active. Your sugar glider may be barking because they want you to come play with them or if they are lonely.
Sugar Glider Crabbing
Crabbing is one of the primary ways sugar gliders exchange vocal messages. It’s likely that the first sounds your sugar gliders make after you adopt them will be them crabbing.
Some sugar gliders crab are so loud and rapid that they can cause mild fright in anyone who have never heard them before.
Some people believe that the sound made by a crabbing sugar glider is analogous to the sound made by locusts when they rub their wings together.
Despite the fact that this comparison could be difficult to explain, it’s the best way I can imagine it.
Sugar Glider Hissing and Sneezing
Sugar gliders hiss like a lot of other animals do. Unlike other animals, sugar gliders don’t often hiss when they’re scared or irate. Sugar gliders hiss, which is also referred to as sneezing.
- The sound sugar gliders produce when grooming is one of the reasons they hiss or sneeze.
- Sugar gliders will spit into their palms and utilize the saliva to clean themselves.
- As your sugar gliders are interacting with one another and playing, you may hear them hissing again.
It may start with a hissing fit, then followed by chasing each another around. Hissing is another kind of interspecies communication used by sugar gliders.
What Does It Mean When a Sugar Glider Barks
When a sugar glider barks, it is typically a vocalization made to communicate something specific. Barking is one of the vocalizations that sugar gliders use to express various emotions or needs. Here are a few possible meanings behind a sugar glider’s barking behavior:
- Alarm or Warning: Sugar gliders may bark when they feel threatened or perceive a potential danger in their environment. It can serve as a warning to other sugar gliders or to their human caretakers that they sense something unusual or potentially harmful nearby.
- Territorial Defense: Sugar gliders are territorial animals, and they may bark to establish their territory or ward off intruders. This behavior can occur if they feel their space is being invaded or if they are trying to establish dominance.
- Distress or Fear: Barking can also be a sign of distress or fear in sugar gliders. They may vocalize when they are scared, anxious, or in pain. It’s important to assess the context and look for other accompanying behaviors to understand the underlying cause of their distress.
Why do Sugar Gliders Purr and Chirp?
If your sugar glider is purring, everything is probably OK in their world. When they’re content, sugar gliders act in this way.
The sole drawback of a sugar glider’s purr is that it is so soft that it cannot be heard from a distance.
Another indication that your pet sugar glider is content is when it:
- chirps
- chatters
- clicks
- whistling
- squeaking
You may hear a sort of light clicking sound as a sugar glider chirps. Frequently, a light purr is present as well.
Moreover, sugar gliders may add in some whistling or squeaking. These sounds can also be heard coming from sugar gliders while they eat.
When your sugar glider companion starts playing barking, it might be at you or their partner(s). In the evenings, one of my sugar gliders will bark rather loudly to get my attention. Generally speaking, as long as a door is closed to block off the noise, it’s fine.
I advise purchasing a silent wheel for your sugars. They can continue operating it through the night without making normal squeaky wheel sounds.
To prevent being awakened at night, try relocating the enclosure to a spots that affords them some privacy.
Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.