How Often Do Cockatiels Poop? {Top 4 Potty Training Tips}

I seem to clean cockatiel feces way too often. How often do cockatiels poop and is my bird normal or just a crazy poop machine?

What does healthy cockatiel poop look like? Is it toxic? How do I get my cockatiel to go potty in one spot and lessen the mess?

In this article, we’ll discuss all things regarding cockatiel poop.

How Often Do Cockatiels Poop?

Cockatiels, like other birds, have high metabolic rates, so they poop frequently. A cockatiel in good health may poop anywhere from 18 to 26 times each day or every 15 to 20 minutes on average.

They will typically do this when sleeping and perching during the night. The frequency, however, might vary based on factors such as:

  • food
  • exercise level
  • individual characteristics

Remember that this is simply an estimate and that individual birds may have somewhat different bathroom patterns.

What Does Cockatiel Poop Look Like?

Solid feces and liquid pee are the two main components of cockatiel waste. The look may differ based on things including food, hydration, and general health.

1. Solid Feces

The solid excretions are often:

  • tiny
  • oval-shaped
  • dark brown
  • greenish-brown droppings

On one end, they could have a white cap made of a mix of uric acid and solid waste.

2. Urine

The clear liquid urine component often has a white or slightly yellowish color. It frequently appears alongside the solid feces and may be more obvious in the morning after a night without food or water.

Routinely check their droppings for noticeable changes in the color, consistency, or frequency of droppings since these might be signs of potential health problems.

How Do I Stop My Cockatiel From Pooping Everywhere?

Although cockatiels constantly poop, there are certain things you can do to lessen the mess.

1. Establish a dedicated space

Create a designated perch or location where your cockatiel may relax and use the restroom for them. Put some paper or a dish down there to catch the droppings.

After meals or when you observe signals that they need to go, gently place your bird there to teach them to link it with elimination.

2. Recognize the cues

Before they defecate, cockatiels frequently exhibit particular behaviors or body language, such as squatting or elevating their tail.

Pay attention to these signals and make an effort to predict when your bird has to go potty. As soon as possible, transport them to the selected location to persuade them to go there rather than somewhere else.

3. Timing and schedule

Create a regular schedule for your cockatiel. Offer food and drink at regular intervals, and observe their typical bowel movements.

You can direct them to the specified location before they have a need to use the restroom by becoming familiar with their natural rhythm.

4. Diet

Make sure your cockatiel eats a balanced diet with the right proportions of fruits, vegetables, pellets, and seeds to promote good digestion.

Giving them a balanced meal can help them have better control over their digestion and create more manageable solid excretions.

Keep in mind that accidents still happen, especially in the early stages of training. Praise them when they poo in the desired location and don’t get upset when it’s in the wrong spot.

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Is It Easy to Potty Train a Cockatiel?

No. Given that cockatiels have a natural urge to urinate regularly, potty training them can be difficult. Train them to use a defined area, but doing so takes:

  • persistence
  • adherence to a routine
  • awareness of their cues

You may entice them to go at the chosen site by offering:

  • a certain perch or area
  • watching their pre-elimination activities
  • developing a routine
  • rewarding desired behavior

Every cockatiel is different so toilet training might be more or less simple. You need to commit to it as much as they do.

Is Cockatiel Poop Toxic?

No. The actual cockatiel feces is not poisonous. Bird droppings may include:

  • germs
  • parasites
  • fungus

The presence of the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci, can result in the respiratory infection known as psittacosis or parrot fever, and it is one common cause for worry. Always wash up and practice good hygiene!

How To Keep A Cockatiel Cage Poop Free

I think we all know what cage cleaning is a must, but the process involves keeping yourself clean too.

  1. After handling your cockatiel or cleaning its cage, properly wash your hands.
  2. Before washing your hands, avoid touching your face or lips.
  3. To prevent the accumulation of droppings and to keep the cage clean for you and your bird, clean it frequently.
  4. When cleaning the cage or dealing with a lot of droppings, take the appropriate safety precautions, such as wearing gloves or a mask.

You may appreciate your cockatiel as a pet while reducing any potential health hazards brought on by its droppings by taking these steps.

What Happens if My Cockatiel Eats His Poop?

In most cases, it is not a serious issue if your bird unintentionally eats its own waste. A healthy bird is unlikely to be harmed by ingesting a modest amount of droppings.

Consistent intake, however, may result in health problems. As recurrent exposure to pathogens in feces can increase the likelihood of sickness, the possibility of bacterial or parasitic infections is the main cause for concern.

  • Keep the cage clean
  • Offer a nutritious feed and a balanced diet to deter this tendency.
  • Look for changes in your bird’s behavior
  • Check the droppings after it has consumed feces

Discourage this habit and keep your bird’s environment tidy and sanitary.


Cockatiels have a high metabolic rate and frequently go to the bathroom.  Check your cockatiel’s droppings to guarantee their wellbeing and spot any possible problems.

While the frequency of their bowel motions may provide some hassle for frequent cleaning, it is a normal biological characteristic of them.

You may support their well-being and reduce any related hassles by being aware of their routines, offering a proper food, and maintaining a clean atmosphere.


Thank you for visiting for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.


My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.