When you plan to be away and need to leave your reptile companion, how long can geckos be left alone?
Are there necessary steps you need to take and what are the risk of bringing your gecko with you?
In this article, we will find out how long can geckos be left alone and run through some options to help care for them while you are away.
How Long Can Geckos Be Left Alone?
It’s going to be very risky to leave a gecko alone for longer than 1-2 days without anyone checking up on them. One weekend without you or anyone else is the absolute limit for a captive reptile in an enclosure with nowhere to go.
Ensure the habitat has been cleaned and food is put out during this time with water and other items readily available. Make sure the temperature does not fluctuate or cool down without heating or lighting.
Geckos prefer living alone and do not need our interaction on a regular basis. They can survive for 10-14 days without eating when they use stored fat in their tails to survive.
All of this comes in handy for emergencies that put geckos under great stress. A captive gecko under your care should not be left alone without any assistance, feedings or habitat clean-ups for longer than a couple of days.
What To Do When Leaving Your Gecko For A Week
It’s time for that scheduled vacation or a surprise situation has left you with no choice, but to leave home for a week. Can you take your gecko with you? Not likely under many circumstances.
Do you have a caregiver, neighbor, friend or relative that can stop by? An adult gecko is likely to remain comfortable without any assistance for a couple of days, but extending the absence of any caregiver longer than that is risky.
They can suffer from immense stress when they are left in an unkept environment or space that lacks fresh water, cleanings and food. Temperature changes can cause a gecko to die suddenly.
Cages, enclosure, terrariums have all sorts of unforeseen issues with overheating or the simple act of food or water spillage can lead to dehydration or starvation.
Please ask someone to stop in and check up on your gecko to add more water and food and check the temperature. Otherwise, there are reptile services in exotic pet shops, vet clinics or elsewhere that will take care of your companion for you while you are away.
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Can I Take Gecko With Me?
Not likely. A gecko is a sensitive reptile that would not respond well to traveling with you. They are prone to illnesses or sudden death due to temperature drops.
They cannot be handled with care to the point where you can trust anyone to shift, lift or move around their portable carrier (if you have one). Transporting a gecko is risky, dangerous and unsafe.
If you are certain that your travel plans only involve the movement from A to B where a gecko does not have to be handled or move around, then it is possible to take them with you on a short or simply journey.
A vendor in a pet shop would place a gecko in a container with holes for ventilation rather than risk moving them in a larger cage where they could get tossed round.
Do geckos get carsick? Some may regurgitate their food or feel unwell to the point that they would refuse any foods or drinks during the ride. It would be best if you do not turn on the air conditioning or position the vents away from your gecko who is prone to get stressed under cooler and dry air conditioning.

Risks of Leaving A Gecko At Home
The possible risks of a gecko being left alone without being checked up on are:
- Power outages
- Temperature drops
- Food and water spillage
- Floods/Fire
- Excessive noises
A sensitive gecko could get stressed, cold, panicky, skittish and suddenly become irreversibly ill to the point where you may end up losing your reptile compassion when you return from a trip longer than 2-3 days.
A gecko is meant to survive without food in the wild as they can live off their fat reserves in their tail for 10-14 days, but there are too many uncontrollable factors in captivity.
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How To Care For A Gecko While You are Away
Here are some options for you to consider when leaving your gecko for more than a couple of days at a time.
- Kennels
- Pete store
- Pet sitter
- Animal boarding centers
- Friends
- Neighbors
- Relatives
- Gecko community members online
The best situation is to have someone you trust visit your gecko’s habitat and replace the water, check the temperature and add food.
Geckos can survive without food, but dehydration and temperature changes are the bigger factors to keep track of. Emergency situations like floods, fires or power outages are further risks to consider.
Are Geckos OK Alone?
Geckos can live a solitary life in a comfortable habitat that is located in the wild or with you at home. If you set up comfortable spaces where humidity, temperatures, food and water are appropriate, a gecko will be able to thrive for many years.
A 15-20 centimeter gecko is about the average size for an adult but they vary according to species. They can live for 10-20 years in successful captivity under considerate care.
Leaving them alone for a long period of time while you are out of the house is acceptable as long as someone checks out to them each day or every other day. The temperature is important, but making sure they are getting enough hydration is also key.
Handing a gecko must be done with care and a caregiver or someone who assists you in caring for your gecko while you are away must be aware of the skittish nature of geckos when they do not trust the hand or movements of a human they are not familiar with.
Thank you for visiting PocketPetCentral.com for the best information to help you enjoy the life of your pocket pet companion in a fun, safe & healthy way.