Do Cockatiels Mate for Life? {How You Can Help}

When I cared for two cockatiels, they could not get enough of each other. The male and female pairing between them is extremely interesting to observe. Do cockatiels mate for life or is this only a temporary infatuation?

Would you like to learn more about the mating game between these fantastically intelligent birds? This article will focus on cockatiel mating and behaviors associated with it.

Do Cockatiels Mate for Life?

Not always. Cockatiels create enduring pair connections and are monogamous birds. They actively engage in courting behaviors and vocalizations during breeding season to entice a partner, and they may even pair for life.

When they are coupled, they show their relationship by grooming and feeding one another, but not all cockatiels mate for life.

If their companion passes away, some birds may locate a new partner. Some juvenile birds may never create a pair bond, while others may not pair up until they are a few years old.

How Long Do Cockatiels Mate For?

The actual act of copulation usually only lasts a few seconds to a minute or so when cockatiels mate. The general wooing phase, which includes actions like reciprocal grooming and eating, can persist for several weeks or even months before to the actual mating.

Lasting pair ties are characteristic of cockatiels’ relationships with their partners. While certain species may mate for life, there are a number of variables that might affect how long they stay together.

It can depend on the birds’

  • physical condition
  • age
  • habitat

Healthy and well-cared-for cockatiels may stay together for a number of years or even for the rest of their lives, but stressed or ill birds may not.

How Do I Stop My Cockatiels From Mating?

There are a few things you can do to stop your cockatiels from mating.

  1. Limit the birds’ exposure to direct sunshine and their availability to high-fat diets to ensure that they are not in breeding condition.
  2. Try to divert their attention with toys and other sorts of stimulation.
  3. Temporarily separate the birds by putting a partition in their cage or keeping them in other cages.
  4. If your birds have already mated, you may also get rid of any eggs or nesting supplies to stop them from reproducing.

Cockatiels naturally have the want to procreate and mate, therefore it could be challenging to totally prohibit this behavior.

Can Cockatiels Mate With Their Siblings?

Yes, but it is usually not advised when mating cockatiel siblings. Their reproduction can raise the probability that their kids will have:

  • genetic defects
  • health problems
  • greater death rate

Take precautions to avoid unintentional mating between siblings or close relatives. To lessen the chance of inbreeding, you can also think about dividing the birds of different genders.

If you do decide to breed your cockatiels, make sure to adhere to proper breeding guidelines.

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Will 2 Male Cockatiels Try to Mate?

Sometimes. Male cockatiels may exhibit mating behaviors and participate in wooing behavior with other males.

  • Male cockatiels may develop strong attachments and participate in activities like feeding and grooming one other in the absence of a female mate.
  • Some male cockatiels could choose to create same-sex friendships. 

Overall, male cockatiels may participate in certain mating activities with other males, but these actions are usually harmless, and the two of them cannot have offspring.

What Happens When a Cockatiels Mate Dies?

It can be a terrible and stressful moment for the remaining bird when a cockatiel’s partner passes away. Grief-related behaviors in the surviving bird include:

  • increased vocalization
  • sluggishness 
  • decreased eating

Giving the remaining bird lots of care, affection, and interaction helps lessen their discomfort and loneliness.

Birds need time to mourn and get used to their new surroundings because introducing a new companion too quickly might be overpowering and distressing.

The surviving bird should only be introduced to a new partner if you are very certain that they will get along and have a happy relationship.

Why Is My Cockatiel Mating Everyday?

It’s not unusual for cockatiels to mate regularly if you have a pair because this is a typical behavior for them. If your cockatiel is repeatedly mating, this can be an indication of hormone abnormalities.

Environmental modifications can also affect mating behavior including:

  • seasonal shifts
  • longer daylight hours
  • presence of other birds

Your cockatiel’s frustration may be reduced and undesirable behaviors can be avoided by giving them lots of toys, socializing, and attention.

To rule out any underlying health or behavioral concerns, it may be a good idea to speak with a veterinarian or an avian behaviorist if the behavior persists.

Will Cockatiel Lay Eggs After Mating?

Yes. This is a normal aspect of their reproductive activity. Female cockatiels do deposit eggs after mating. A female cockatiel may still lay unfertilized eggs despite not having a mate due to hormonal changes or nesting habits.

I also want to remind you that excessive egg-laying can be bad for a female cockatiel’s health since it raises the possibility of egg-binding and depletes her calcium reserves.

Do Cockatiels Grieve?

Yes. I can speak on experience with cockatiels developing strong ties with their:

  • partners
  • flock mates
  • human friends

Cockatiels may display indications of sadness when a bonded partner or companion dies, such as:

  • decreased appetite 
  • lethargy
  • increased vocalization

Following the death of a companion, some cockatiels may retreat and isolate themselves, while others may grow more clinging and demand more love and attention from their surviving partners.

Giving the bereaved bird lots of care, affection, and interaction helps reduce their stress and loneliness.

As introducing a new partner or companion too quickly might be upsetting and stressful, it’s crucial to give the bird some time to mourn and get used to their new environment.

Signs of a Lonely Cockatiel

Some of the most obvious indicators of a lonely cockatiel include:

  • incessant chirping
  • shouting
  • reaching out for attention
  • chewing on furnishings or feathers
  • hostility toward humans or other birds.
  • becoming lazy or uninterested in past interests

Giving the bird lots of toys, opportunities for social interaction, and individual care helps lessen their loneliness and stop the emergence of undesirable habits.


The profound ties that cockatiels have with their partners may not last a lifetime. The duration of their mating partnerships can be impacted by factors including age, health, and environmental changes.

We can encourage their general well-being and stop harmful habits from emerging by providing a cozy and engaging atmosphere.

A veterinarian or avian behaviorist should always be consulted if you have any concerns regarding your cockatiel’s mating habits or reproductive health. Our cockatiels may have happy, healthy lives if given the right care and attention.


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My name is Anna and I work full time in my local pet shop where we sell many animals that I write about on this site. I love all animals and love writing about them.